Giving yourself permission
This is a permission slip to be used multiple times this New Year to give yourself permission, to rest, relax, enjoy, love, play, grow,...
Upcoming New Year
Happy New Year!! I hope everyone has had the most joyous holiday season and a grateful spirit for the New Year. With New Year Wishes, I...
Winter Solstice
The Winter Solstice or Yule marks the shortest day of the year and the returning of the Light. Traditions are as varied as there are...
Choice & Self Care
For me, the choice of Self Care was and is the most important thing I chose to do on my journey to well-being. I have to say I was...
Tina's Energy Grimoire
Tina's Grimoire MINI-WORKSHOP Date: Tuesday, October 31, 2017 Time: 11:00am to 4:00pm approximately Theme: Practical Magic COST: ...
Spiritual Alchemy
Bear with me on this one..... What is a program: In computing, a program is a specific set of ordered operations for a computer to...
A Story That Teaches
What does a teaching story do? It teaches by allowing the story to envelop the reader so that you are the story. Therein, the reader is...
Sacred Time
What is sacred time? Sacred space ushers in sacred time and supports a sense of identity, belonging, guidance, and nurturing. Sacred...
Calling back your Energy
Have you ever expended energy on someone or something in your life? Have you expended your energy throughout your life on different...
A Re-awakening
"There are many beliefs in the world but an experience supercedes a belief every time." Tina Martin A tale of a warm afternoon on a mid...