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Walking Your Path

If you have ever followed a Sacred Spiritual Tradition or studied them, there are many and varied paths to take to enlightenment, salvation, understanding, the One Truth etc. It seems though, to me at least, that all Sacred Spiritual Traditions have a unifying voice, but one must listen carefully and be willing to hear it.

Following a Sacred Spiritual Tradition, where I am from, can be limiting and a very exclusive membership. You have to follow a strict dogma that detracts from the very essence of the Tradition. Exclusiveness to only an acceptable few that conforms through fear- based tactics have been my experience (for me, an experience trumps a belief every time). Being proper, knowing my place, never questioning authority figures, being seen and not heard, but not too seen. You must understand women, in the Sacred Spiritual Tradition that I was introduced to at birth, were considered less; less intelligent, less strong, less worthy...... However, we were too much in other ways, too clever, too curvy, too sensuous, to alluring, too curious.....essentially I was impressed to believe we were sexual traps for our male counterparts. In case you are wondering, I am not 100 years old, but am 48 so you know that these Traditions are still alive and well. Now to be fair, men had to live a life of legalism as well. If you were to be a leader of any kind in a church you had to cohere to "spiritual bylaws".

Having given you the basis (which may of sounded like soapbox) for my liberation/exodus into walking my own, individual, sacred path and the overwhelming need to share my experience is what prompted this blog post. I believe that every individual on this planet should pursue their spiritual path according to their own experiences changing it as the individual grows. I do believe we do benefit from finding our own path of spirituality. It is often in the stillness that I find bliss. I so often see the magic of the Divine Energy in the way my willow tree shines on a full moon night. I see the express joy of a sunrise and wonder at the artist's hand in making it so vibrant that the colors are experienced in my very being. I once stood atop the snow covered San Juan Mountains, only myself and my husband for miles and miles around. I knew I had experienced nirvana because I was forever changed. I carried my lovely Daisy dog to her last breath she licked my face like she was a puppy and in that moment I knew there would be another walk I would get to share with her my loyal companion....I walk through the old orchard of my foremothers and forefathers and I hear their voices encouraging me, cheering me on, and giving me enormous amounts of peace to carry on, and I know I am standing on their shoulders. I feel my mother and father's prayers in the wee morning hours, enfolding me in a cocoon of love and security. I see hope in the faces of my daughter and grandchildren. They have an innate knowing that gives me reassurance that magic and miracles will exist as long as there is love.........

These things are the worthwhile things that build the foundation of a spiritual path. I am asking you not to believe what someone else tells you (including me)

, do not be satisfied with stale, control based, fearful rhetoric, but find and experience your spiritual path, seek it out, and walk it and you shall be set free.....

Do what you will and harm none,


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