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Collective Energies

Has anyone been feeling discombobulated? Has anyone felt that their emotions were being stretched, stressed, and misinterpreted by yourself and others? Have you noticed a cacophony of thoughts resounding through your mind? Have you had sensations in your body that were not normal or recurrent for you i.e. fevers, chills, tingling, electricity, numbness, insomnia, power sleeping, lethargy, disconnectedness? Are you having a resurgence of an old disorder, issue, or addiction that you thought had been resolved long ago? Have you been hearing high pitched tones that shifts your hearing that causes vertigo? Are you having trouble in your relationships? Have you had bouts of anger or depression? Have you felt the need to be alone with no noise? Have you isolated yourself from social media and news for longer periods of time? Have you been questioning the Universe as well as persons in leadership that you once never doubted? Are you having conflicting internal voices?

If you answered yes to just a few of these, know you are not alone. There is at this time (RIGHT NOW as I type) collective energies that are coursing through our Earth. All humanity is affected by this collective energy (whether they acknowledge/realize it or not). I could go into my perspectives of why this is, but if you are aware on some level you have your own perspectives to attach to these collective energies. However, I can say for sure for certain FEAR is one of, if not THE biggest cause of these collective energies that are causing so much confusion and emotional unrest. Please believe me when I tell you, we humans were not hard wired to receive global information. Physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, we are equipped to receive information from our local community; our village. The original design for our mind/body was not flawed by giving us this seemingly limited ability to absorb vast amounts of information globally. I say information loosely, however most of the "information" is MISINFORMATION. Spin doctors have been around for a long, long time just know that the information that we are stressing over and calling truth, may be spun in such a seducing way that we may be willingly deceived if it is crafty and evasive enough. This is where our intuition is called for!!!

The sensations and feelings that I described in the first paragraph are indicators of sensing energies in our Universe. If we are sensing these energies on the levels I described, these are true indications for us to pay attention to what is going on in our own bodies, our families and friends, our community, our governments, our Earth, and our Universe. You see not only are we being inundated with fear-based emotions, such as hatred, racism, sexism, prejudices....But we are being guided, loved, reminded that we are not alone, that Grace is here alive and well. Please know that angels, guides, ancestors, ascended masters all have Light filled, high vibration information streaming to us at all times. What we must strive to do while being inundated with all these energies is to quiet our minds, be still and now, listen really listen, rely on our still small voice. Experiencing the highest vibration of Love by calling it in even when you are having these body miasms is crucial. We must call in the highest vibration we can sustain at this time. Above all be still and listen!!! This is imperative to our collective contribution. For it is in the quiet and stillness you will be given great peace. We cannot give up. We cannot succumb. We cannot allow confusion to reign or hate to win. Let us be resolute in our conscious contribution to the collective energies we project. Please make a CHOICE to Love (this means yourself too) as much as you can........

Now, you may ask, how do I manage these emotions that are at best uncomfortable. This I say to you as one that has experienced all of them; nurture yourself at all cost during this time. If you are working your shift, take all your breaks, eat well at lunch, and come home and lose mindless activities. If you are fortunate to not work on a schedule, do the same just more often. In every moment you MUST nurture yourself whatever nurture means to you. There is a difference between comfort and nurture, get intimately acquainted with the difference. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, PhD says it this way: The difference between comfort and nurture is this: if you have a plant that is sick because you keep it in a dark closet, and you say soothing words to it, that is comfort. If you take the plant out of the closet and put it in the sun, give it something to drink and then talk to it, that is nurture.

The statement is very valuable at this time: We can never truly transmute or release emotions until they are heard and their message understood......

With much Love and Light,


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