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Information on addictions is readily available regarding drugs, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, food, sex, shopping, betting, even lying. However, drama addiction is rarely addressed but is one that really needs more information and awareness. Energetically, drama causes the same biochemical reactions in the body as does all the above listed stressors and more. During this rush a combination of nerve and hormonal signals activate, this system prompts your adrenal glands, located atop your kidneys, to release a surge of hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline increases your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure and boosts energy supplies. When drama is created, you get a rush! Just like with other addictions. The added bonus with drama is that we also get ATTENTION, to stir up our tribe to rally around our "issue". Let's be perfectly clear, drama addiction is no respecter of persons; every class, color, ethnic group, religious or non religious, enlightened, or unenlightened are vulnerable to this.

How do you know you are a drama addict? Are you thinking why would I activate stress hormones in my body and cause blood pressure issues and/or chemistry in my body/mind to be manipulated to cause that extreme high and life-sucking low? First most drama addicts think that they are just defending themselves because they are RIGHT. Some drama addicts want to create an issue so they can fix it so they can be the hero and everyone comes to them to save the day! Some drama addicts cannot bear calmness because they are waiting for the other shoe to fall so they create something so the wait is over. Calmness means level energy throughout your energy fields, quieting of the mind/body, and when this occurs withdrawals from the drama begin which include: agitation, aggressiveness, restlessness, sleeplessness....then the agitation turns to argumentative and then the spiraling up (high) and the spiraling decent (crash). Being present with ones own self, is typically what addicts of any kind DO NOT want to do. Being present with ones own self requires you to like yourself and be comfortable there and most drama addicts never take ownership or responsibility of created drama.

How to end this vicious cycle of self-sabotage and energy depleting disorder is like most addictions, it takes acknowledging, discipline, and the determination (will force) to stop once and for all. There will always be life changing events until we transcend to our next. These things are necessary in this life as part of love and growth. However, creating drama serves no emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual usefulness. Getting into a battle over who is right and who is wrong is a battle that drama addicts love to cultivate. This is one battle that we can work on because perspective will help immensely. I have felt I have been 100% right in the past in an argument. For one, it is in my personality to research all avenues, cover all my bases, before I march in declaring my rightness, because I do not like to be wrong....ever. Even with proof of my rightness with documentation, photos, scientific authenticity, and a seal from Jesus (exaggeration), I have created so much backlash, hurt and drama that I was sick with fever and had to take to my bed; and it was just not worth it. Know too that drama addicts attract people to them that will add fuel to their addiction. So, in saying that, we must carefully evaluate our relationships.

For me, friendships are not as hard to manage as family. I come from a family that are very close and loyalty is a must. However, if I allow the tribe to manipulate and destroy my hard kept peace, calm, and personal boundaries, I have sacrificed my authentic self; me not them. You see no one steals my peace, I give it away to them! To me it is like a burglar comes up the driveway and I meet him on the porch with all the money I have and say here you go......Does that make sense? I hope not!

We are stewards of our own minds, bodies, and spirits. We must make the best effort that we can to eliminate created drama from our lives as much as possible. Unfortunately, this means winnowing out those that are our codependents. In many addiction programs, the one saying that I remember most is "We must change our playmates and playgrounds"!!!!! You are the one that has to manage those people in your life that feed your addiction. Elimination is one way of managing. If this is not possible, ushering in a new perspective will help, but absolutely refusing to be drawn in is a must! Hang the phone up, walk away, stop the texting, no more email when drama wants to rear its head. When you physically, emotionally, and mentally disengage from a potential drama situation, it packs an energetic wallop. Remember this: drama cannot live if not fed!

These words are spoken in love to you and myself....


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