Finding Magic in your own Backyard

Have you ever visited an unhappy person that is surrounded by beautiful meadows, wildlife, flowers, streams, popping trees, blue skies, and fluffy clouds? I have and I have been one of those persons. I have met some miserable folks that could not and sometimes would not see the beauty surrounding them because they just could not see it. They were looking back or forward. They were not looking at the present. Have you ever met someone that you complimented them on their smile, hair, laughter, or anything concerning their person and they turn on you like a rabid dog and say "oh how can you say that! Do you see me? or Yea right!"
Opening someone's eyes to the beauty within and without them is sometimes quite challenging and even sometimes impossible. However, the challenging ones are worth more than one try to shift their perspectives. The impossible ones are not wasted energy however. When you speak of someone's beauty and magic and the Earth's beauty and magic, you get to experience those energies within your own mind, body, and spirit!!!! You also call those energies up in the person.
In no way am I speaking of idle compliments or trite persuasive play on words! I am however, explaining how to call up the energy of beauty and magic in an individual who cannot see it just yet. Words hold energy and with intent they become powerful.
If you cannot see the beauty of within and without, in no way can you experience the wild liberation of immersing yourself in the present! I sit on my breezeway and it is just that a breeze-way. It connects the driveway to the house and backyard. It is a portal for those seeing me in my practice. It carries you from the troubles that brought you here, to the present where all the power is! Looking around the breezeway, you will pass through flowers and crystals, candles, and colors. There are purple and oranges, pinks and greens. There is the smell of honey and hay. All present things. They are here and now. The wisp of mist is no illusion. There are those present that are unseen that have been here from the past. All here gathered for the Highest and Best Good for All.
So I ask you, go look at the beauty that is in you and that surrounds you at this present moment. There is magic and beauty within you..... call to it. There is magic surrounding to it. There are helpers all around you call to them!!!!
With much Love and Beauty to you......Namaste