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And the River Runs....

Words have the power of healing or harming. Some say words are like weapons. Indeed, I always said, I would rather have a spanking than "the talking to" from my parents. Their words were like daggers of condemnation into my heart. The spanking was over soon enough and I got to go back to doing whatever it was I was doing. For me, words are a form of healing. It is the perspective of the listener that shifts the story individually. Have you ever been in a group, guided meditation and the individuals gave their experiences. Each one had a very different experience than the other. Thus, the meditation was critiqued by the individual for the benefit of the individual.

I come from a long line of storytellers and the stories always, but always helped me grow in my mind and spirit, especially my imagination. Scientist, allopathic medicine, holistic practitioners, and healers all are aware of the power of visualization. So perspective, visualization, and a healthy imagination allows words to heal you.

I have noticed lately when poet, poetesses, and storytellers are reciting their very personal perspectives (their art) that individuals are critiquing them more and more. Everything, if not said in the most sterile, gray, neutral tone, is offensive in some way and picked apart. Once again, I think it is perspective of where individuals are in their lives. What filters do they have in place that allows them to interpret a story, a poem, or an artistic flow of words into a battle, argument, a forum to launch their agendas, or even flexing their mastery of grammar? So with that, being said, I offer a story with this disclaimer: This was written not for English literature majors to correct or for any stance on male, female, right, wrong, or money..... This was written from the heart of a person who loves the Earth and all people on it...these are words that I am hearing from the River and the Earth and I am seeing in the remnant that I am fortunate to be a part of.....

And the River Runs

The River runs through,

The River runs around,

The River runs slow,

The River runs fast,

But the River always flows.

It flows to an ancient rhythm,

That rhythm cannot be damaged by man.

The River always moves the man.

Never, but never the other way.

Diverting and polluting does not hurt the River for all time,

Diverting and polluting are decisions that man make,

But the River can eliminate the diversion and the polluter.

And these decisions are made by the River.

The River knows that his flow is unending.

A Great Gulf separates the eye of the River and the heart of man.

The river is far seeing,

Man is yet asleep.


Hope has a remnant....

A remnant that is growing.

For the love that I feel calls the River to me,

and I hear those words strong and loud!

It is the great voice of the River saying "But wait!!

A remnant of man has awakened and that remnant shall UNDO a multitude of sins!"

And the children of our children's children shall continue this awakening.

Thus; the Quickening has come!!!

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