Calling back your Energy

Have you ever expended energy on someone or something in your life? Have you expended your energy throughout your life on different someone(s) or some things? Have you ever said, "I have wasted all my energy on ___________? Have you ever wished you could call that back to you?
You most certainly can!!!
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autoimmune disorders, Adrenal Fatigue, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, to name a few, are all results (in part) of allowing our vital energy to be extended to the point of total systemic compromise. When I say allow, that is an important word because I have heard and probably said myself, "they/it stole my peace, joy, best years of my life, my good energy, they/it stole the best of me." Let me be brutally clear, no one can steal these things, WE give them away. Why? For really good intentions and reasons mostly and sometimes fear. Another reason is some of us think we have to "fix" everything. In doing so, we believe that if/when everyone else is ok, then I can relax and have rest and be ok. This will never occur!
No matter what age you are or what you have been through, calling back your energy is a powerful returning of what is your own. Your energy is for you. It has your DNA signature on it. Calling back your energy assists you mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Calling back your own energy does not detract from anyone or anything, but returns to you vitality for your health and well-being.
Some folks call it Energy Retrieval (I like that very much)! Some folks call it "Restoring your Power!" Some folks do this daily as part of their nightly prayer or meditation ritual. They call back their energy from everywhere they have been and from anyone or anything they have exchanged energy with. This is what we as Energy Practitioners call "good mind, body, and spirit hygiene".
However, if you have never called back your energy, this ceremony will help you call back your past energy so that you can function at your highest and best in the present. Example: Who has ever been in a relationship that was less than optimal and you exhausted your energy on this relationship just for it to finally end? Perhaps you started up a new business, worked day and night, and was so excited and that business failed. Maybe, you worked for a company that your morals, ethics, and self-esteem were challenged every day you went in, but you figured it was a good trade because you at least got your bills paid. Or, you invested your love and your time in someone when you were young(or any age), with no obvious return. These are a few ways of giving away your energy. Remember, energy never dies or dissipates, it's waiting for you to welcome it to its right place.
Timing of this ritual or ceremony can be done at anytime. Do what resonates with you. You may have to write down past energy losses. That's perfectly wonderful and helpful. For maximum benefit, if you feel it resonates with you, time it with the building of the full moon, but in no way is it necessary. I like sunrise or sunset (The between times) but that is just my personal preferences. Stand with your arms outstretched towards the East if morning, towards with West if evening. Say these words out loud and very strongly "I call unto me that which is my own, every particle of my energy.... (if you have a particular someone, something visualize this energy streaming back to you). I call the energy that I gave away to (you can name whomever or whatever if you prefer). I call to you from all the Four Directions return to me so that I can be whole and complete." You can visualize the energy and you will feel it returning usually in your chest and upper abdomen areas. Give it time, you may feel the need to repeat this for three days or seven days. Make this ceremony your own, just be resolute in performing a ceremony to restore and return your own energy. We need all our energy to be present, happy, healthy, and wise......