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Spiritual Alchemy

Bear with me on this one.....

What is a program: In computing, a program is a specific set of ordered operations for a computer to perform. In the modern computer that John von Neumann outlined in 1945, the program contains a one-at-a-time sequence of instructions that the computer follows. Typically, the program is put into a storage area accessible to the computer. The computer gets one instruction and performs it and then gets the next instruction. The storage area or memory can also contain the data that the instruction operates on. (Note that a program is also a special kind of "data" that tells how to operate on "application or user data.") In Spiritual Alchemy, a program is used to cast a set pattern (influenced visually, or vibrationally) on individuals that cause them to behave in set patterns that are not of their own making or even their highest and best good. Much like mind-numbing television programs. However, in Spiritual Alchemy, a program can be vibrationally and visually uplifting and contribute to the individual's edification without disturbing free-will.

What is a spell: Spells can be distinguished as magic symbols, words, patterns, recipes, practices and other forms of magic that were not directly included by a collection of words. However, some spells were combinations or repetitions of words that were considered to have magical energy, but which were not in sentences or verse, but in tones and random utterings. The performance of magic almost always involves the use of language. Whether spoken out loud or unspoken, words are frequently used to access or guide magical energy. In Spiritual Alchemy, a spell can be cast in a set pattern (influenced visually, or vibrationally) which influences the recipient (whether person, land, animal, object, etc.) against their free-will causing them to become someone or something that they are not. However, also in Spiritual Alchemy, a spell can be performed/cast to influence visually or vibrationally the Highest and Best Good. Examples: a spell can be cast by a news feed randomly sent to your inbox. The content may uplift and assist you, causing a "shift" from complacent to energized, or drown you in negative energy causing you to "shift" from happy to rage. Spells, often from individuals, are not to cause harm. Elements from the media cast spells every second of our day. This spells alter our brain function, typically in negative patterns.

What is a prayer: No matter what the religion, the spoken words, or unspoken intentions directed toward a Higher Power/Source that carry our wishes and aspirations, gratitude, or our seeking clarity and guidance, are prayers. Postures, hand placements, and especially speaking adds to the power and intention of the prayer.

In Spiritual Alchemy, a prayer has a vibration and it is the intent behind the prayer that holds the energy. The words may be secondary to the vibration of the intent. A prayer that calls for someone to not sleep until they respond in the way the person praying deems appropriate or "right" is not a high vibration prayer and will rebound on the individual praying it. To pray for harm to elicit a "wake up call" is a low vibration prayer and will effect the intended recipient with adverse/unwanted side effects, and cause the person praying this to lose their vital energy, depleting them instead of the intended recipient. In Spiritual Alchemy, a prayer will always end with "Highest and Best Good", or "I cause no harm", or "Divine Will be Done." This allows ego to be removed and Source to be activated.

What is chanting: It is the iterative (repeating) speaking or singing of words or sounds, often primarily on one or two main pitches called reciting tones. Chants may range from a simple melody involving a limited set of notes to highly complex musical structures, often including a great deal of repetition of musical sub-phrases. Chants may be considered speech, music, or a heightened or stylized form of speech. Like prayer, chant may be a component of either personal or group practice. Diverse spiritual traditions consider chant a route to spiritual development. In Spiritual Alchemy, chanting can uplift and elevate your spiritual energy. Specific words, humming, singing, and whistling can transform your energy field to a high vibration such that you feel you are levitating or soaring. The sensation of being One. When group chanting or singing are in one mind and accord, the vibrational shift is to be transported to the Holy of Holies, the Inner Room, or into the Multiverse of Totality. However, if the group chanting has an underlying intent of hate, it can cause chaos, rage, or mob mentality.

What is an algorithm: It is a self-contained sequence of actions to be performed. Algorithms can perform calculations, data processing, and automated reasoning tasks. The concept of algorithm has existed for centuries and is used for problem solving usually within a computer program in a very finite amount of time. E = mc2 is an algorithm. In Spiritual Alchemy, other names for algorithm are counter-curse, deprograming, energy block, energy shift, vibrational shift/change, upgrade, and in some cases overriding/elimination. Individuals that have agreed to be incarnated, which are called Light Workers, Light Bearers, Energy Practitioners, Healers, Star Seeds, Wise Ones, Sages, Storytellers, Bringers of Light, Earth Practitioners, a myriad of other names, as well as some having no titles or names, but are carrying the vibrational algorithm within everything they do and within everything they love. The opposite of a problem solving algorithm, is one that is introduced to alter, to contaminate, or to cause a virus in a program that is working and functioning at its highest potential. Examples are sacred spiritual traditions, governments, and our own minds!!!!!

What does all of this mean? What this means is the emergent need to become very conscious with our intentions, especially with spiritual practices, our investments of time, money, associations, clubs, memberships, people you allow into your energy field, and most assuredly what you watch on television. It is imperative to stop numbing down our minds with misinformation and overwhelming amounts of information. What do we subscribe to (allow in our energy fields), in our daily lives that has the potential of influencing us? Does is cause fear and panic? Does it educate and inform us? Does it uplift us? Are we left depleted and defeated? Are we confused? Do we feel we are being herded and defenseless to change it? Or do we feel we are consciously adding to the collective good with renewed love and hope in everything we do and everything that we touch, see, feel, speak? I don't know about you, but I want to have as much of me and my energy functioning for my own highest good at all times and to be of benefit to myself and all who are in contact with me.

In truth, we have the most complex machine on the planet! We must learn how to run this machine!!! Our minds are not taking instructions because we have made no effort in operating our instruments!!!! Any instrument that is out of control is more of a nuisance than of use.......

Our brain has been compared to a computer. I will retell, in my own words, what a wise person said to me that resonated with me on a soul level. Our mind is the faithful servant, our spirit is the master director of our purpose and plan. Our body is the master director of our Earth walk. We have made the faithful servant the Master over ALL. We are not designed to function this way!!! Our Spirit must be the one that "calls the shots" and our bodies should be listened to BEFORE the mind. This is a quote and many claim to be the author: "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."

With much love.....

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