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Choice & Self Care

For me, the choice of Self Care was and is the most important thing I chose to do on my journey to well-being. I have to say I was undereducated. I came from a matriarchal family and my foremothers shoes are hard to fill. However, the DNA was there. The shift in the DNA started when I had a Healing Touch Level I class. The instructor talked about caring for myself before I could truly care for others. This was a contradictory statement to all that I had experienced up to this point. My foremothers example, that I perceived, was to give until I could not and then give some more. How could it be that a Healer, from a long line of healers, could possibly choose themselves first before rushing to assist everything and everyone? How could this be!?

I found, through struggle, much pain and long, long thought, that my gift to myself, my reasonable honor of myself, was the best love and healing I could give to my family, friends, and clients. To honor myself was to honor them as well as honor the Divine Creator. I also found I liked me and that was EXTRAORDINARY!!!

I also found that I was doing my children and grandchildren a significant disservice. They saw me as an indestructible, true grit, never give up, never stop, unbreakable, SERVANT!!!! Ouch, Ouch, Ouch!!!!! How unrealistic to put upon one person. To find out their mother and grandmother was NOT The Magnificent Do-gooder, Wonder Woman, and Julia Child, that could clean too, and do everything with a smile and "it's no problem" attitude was a rude awakening. It was unjust to them and to myself. I was not having that as my legacy. NO!

Now, I nap, I color, I Tai Chi, I walk with wonder, I meander, I cultivate a Sacred Magical Garden all my own. I have awakened a mighty force in my careful care for myself. In that great magical care of me, I find the great magical care for others.

A perspective: Choice is our greatest energetic force in this world (and maybe all worlds). You have to choose to Love...... Choose wisely.

I choose:

To live by choice, not by chance;

To make changes, not excuses;

To be motivated, not manipulated

To be useful, not used;

To excel, not compete;

I choose self esteem, not self pity

I choose to listen to my inner voice

NOT the random opinion of others…..

On September 30, 2017, our free Energy Gathering Group will meet at 11:00am at my home to discuss and experience Simple Self Care. Email me: if you are interested.

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