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Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice or Yule marks the shortest day of the year and the returning of the Light. Traditions are as varied as there are people. Here are a few:

  • Collecting and arranging holly and mistletoe.This tradition invites the faeries into your home for the winter

  • Lighting candles!!!This tradition honors your loved ones that have passed inviting them to join you for the returning of the Light and festivities.It also honors the Christ Light

  • Arranging stones and crystals in a circle outdoors to honor the cycles of our lives

  • Preparing *soul cakes or tea cakes

  • Renew family ties and releasing familial patterns that no longer serve

  • Giving a gift of love that is handmade or a written poem infusing the Light into the gift

  • Gathering for decorating an evergreen tree with each guest bringing a decoration that holds Light

  • Tending a fire with an oak, ash, or thorn log (Yule log)

  • Ringing of bells at noon the day of the Winter Solstice ringing in the Light

  • Writing affirmations on birch bark for the coming year that are infused with Light and Love

  • Gathering in a circle and having prayer and meditation

The returning of the Light, for me, is celebrated in a gentle reflective way that allows the Light to infuse in my mind, body, and spirit for renewal and joy.

* Soul cakes were traditionally given out at Halloween/Samhain, however there is a British soul cake tradition for the Winter Solstice time.

If you have not heard Orla Fallon or Sting

sing it, you will enjoy them immensely. It is a Christmas favorite at our house.

How to make soul cakes:


3/4 cup butter 3/4 cup superfine sugar 4 cups plain flour, sifted 3 egg yolks 1 teaspoon mixed spice 1 teaspoon allspice 3 tablespoons currants a little milk


– Cream the butter and sugar together until pale in color and fluffy in texture. – Beat in the egg yolks. – Fold in the sifted flour and spices. – Stir in the currants. – Add enough milk to make a soft dough. – Form into flat cakes and mark each top with a cross. – Bake on a well-greased baking tray in a hot oven 350 degrees until golden

If you are interested in some soul cakes and a very simple but powerful Winter Solstice Ritual on Thursday, December 21, 2017 at 12 noon, at my home, please contact me. I encourage all of us to take time to have joy on this day and celebrate the returning of the Light.

To gather together in love and fellowship is part of the highest self care.....


Tina Martin, HTP

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