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Relaxation Benefits

My Holistic Practice and Relaxation Benefits:

Have you ever heard someone say or say yourself "I cannot relax!" or "It's hard for me to relax!" In our society, as it is now, relaxation typically consists of this mantra: Work 40 plus hours every week, then take a one week (or two) vacation where you leave on the night you get off work and return the day before you go back in to work, more tired than you were when you left! Does this sound familiar? If you decide you are just going to save your money and stay home and work on projects, then you try to fit a months worth of projects into that one week and still you are more tired than you were at work.

Let's say we are on the path of listening to our bodies and accepting the body as it is for the moment, hour, day. Do we still feel guilt for honoring our bodies when the body tells us "take a nap, rest, repair, sit a spell, breathe deeply, or eat now!" These are just a few things that our body asks us to do if we listen. But what do we do with that information even if we are listening and aware of our bodies needs? What happens when we push through anyway day after day after day?

Our bodies have helped us hold patterns that have enabled us to survive for long, long periods. Example: a client had terrible jaw and neck pain since she was around eight years old. Her jaws would clench and her shoulders remained so tense (could not relax) that the muscles felt like stone. She had seen chiropractors, physicians, dentists, and had collective prayer for this very painful issue; not to mention several holistic practitioners. On MRIs and CT scans, there were many things wrong but even with allopathic medicine and prayer, there was no relief. Until one day, when she was forty-nine, during a workshop, she had a flash-back of why her jaw and neck hurt, needless to say it was physical trauma/abuse. The throws of the releasing, accepting, and the torment were heightened at that moment! Then laughter started bellowing from her small frame. It shook her belly and shook her core and she was literally yelling "I love you!" and could not stop laughing. She was delivered from the emotional pain that her body had been holding until she was mentally, physically, and spiritually able to see it, experience it, and release it. What is very interesting is that the pain was never completely eradicated but she was healed! She was able to thank her body for all that it had done to keep her physical body moving at a very high level in spite of the trauma/abuse and practice relaxation techniques that assist her in every aspect of her life.

What has happened to our perception of relaxation at this time in our lives? What does relaxation really do for us? Well here we go with some medical and holistic information to see just how important it is for us to access, practice, and allow relaxation every day.

The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems usually do opposite things in the body. The sympathetic nervous system prepares your body for physical and mental activity. It makes your heart beat faster and stronger, opens your airways so you can breathe more easily, and inhibits digestion.

The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for bodily functions when we are at rest: it stimulates digestion, activates various metabolic processes and helps us to relax. But the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems do not always work in opposite directions; they sometimes complement each other too. Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Heath Care. For further information:

Sleep is our built-in way to repair and relax. However, studies show that more and more folks have trouble sleeping, 50 to 70 million US adults have a sleep disorder!! If you look at the stress statistics, just shocking.


Descriptions of beginning techniques I utilize to promote relaxation..... Mind Clearing: Mind clearing is a specific pattern of hand positions, applied to the head and neck area using light touch, which support the meridian tract energy flows and the upper three chakras promoting relaxation and a sense of peacefulness. Modified Mind Clearing is an alternative version of the original. In this variation, I utilize flattened hands rather than finger tips in a series of positions focused between the shoulders and the head. This version may be more comforting and does assist in severe headaches and head congestion, as well as monkey-mind (more thoughts than you can possible imagine), and brain fog.

Chakra Connection - This technique is a full body balancing method which facilitates connecting, opening and balancing of the energy system from chakra ( to chakra through sequential hand placement over the major and minor energy centers. This technique is an excellent method of choice for almost any Mind, Body, Spirit health condition. It promotes a sense of well-being and relaxation.

After experiencing these two techniques, typically the Healing Touch techniques become more in depth and more personalized healing methods are incorporated, which include *intuitively guided meditations and soul-journey. Establishing a comfortable relationship between client and practitioner assist the overall healing environment exponentially. Exploration and implementing self-care and relaxation while at work will also be incorporated into your healing plan.

If you have had any issues with relaxation, it affects all levels of your mind, body, and spirit. If allopathic medicine has not given you choices of how to addressed your stress and ability to relax in a more holistic way, I offer an alternative/integrative approach that has no side effects.

Studies for efficacy of Healing Touch: http://www.healing

All sessions are critiqued to you and schedule for 90 minutes.

Healing Touch Session: $60.00

Long Distance Healing Touch Session: $60.00

Guided Meditation/Soul Journey: $70.00

Talk Therapy with Energy Session: $70.00

Talk Therapy: $50.00

Traveling to you for Energy Therapy/HT: (contact me)

*As you enter and explore the boundless domain of meditation, your mind will learn to more and more easily cross the threshold from the ordinary mind to the spacious clear awareness of infinite consciousness, your own essential nature, known by many names in various traditions. This Guided Journey is critiqued to your present time mind, body, and calls to your spirit. The images and magic that is within you will be called/brought forth to further illuminate your purpose and choices in this lifetime.


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