Practical Magical Cleaning/Clearing
Practical Magical Energy Cleaning/Clearing
Day: Saturday April 28, 2018
Time: 10:00am till 3:00pm approximately
Where: My home Morristown, TN
Agenda: How to clean and clear our homes, properties, and our own energy fields
Cost: $75:00 which includes magical starter kit
If there is one thing that I have learned from my foremothers, it is how to clean! As a child and young woman, there was nothing mystical magical about it. Needless to say, because of the ingrained, instilled, and apparently DNA coding, I cleaned relentlessly. There was value in cleaning and pride in your home and the things that were about you. Pride that, no matter how much or how little you had, it was cleaned and you could breathe in the clean air and enjoy!!!
After I understood energy a little better, I realized there was more to house cleaning and clearing the home. I also realized there was no need to undertake a daily purification ritual to achieve a clean home. However, I realized the energetic shifts that occurred when cleaning and clearing were done with intent. What is intent? (dictionary definition):
: The ability to be active : The physical or mental strength that allows you to do things : Natural enthusiasm and effort : Usable power that comes from heat, electricity, etc.
: Focused energy with clarity (that is my energy definition)
First I must let you know that I believe whole heartedly with the use of essential oils (*I leave the brand up to the individual) in magical/practical house cleaning and clearing. My experience is not to limit your choices of house cleaning clearing to just essential oils or expensive environmentally friendly premade products. Placing crystals and stones where electromagnetic currents are, such as routers, power lines, etc., are very beneficial. Essential oil diffusers help daily energy flow. I listen to classical, rock, New/Old Age or, drumming depending on the usefulness and my mood while cleaning and clearing. Music, essential oils, indoor flowers, crystals, moving water (negative ions), singing, humming, whistling, helps clear and clean the home of static energy (energy that has gathered in one place) that like to lurk/collect in corners. You may ask what does harmless ole static energy need to be cleared for? The residual energy of a TV program, an argument, a disgruntled neighbor, a nightmare, a negative mood, illness (especially prolonged illness of a pet or person), any emotion that has been unloaded within the borders of your home or property, as well as many other factors have negative static energy. Static energy will buildup overtime if not cleared. These energies, if left to accumulate and have been held in patterns continuously overtime, will become matter. Yes, I said matter! These energies are usually bothersome at best but can become more if left unchecked. Remember energy is neither positive or negative, but the intent behind it makes it change. So leaving static energies until they stagnate are not conducive to a healthy person, home, car, work space and/or any environment you spend time in.
Our properties are respites for many things such as animals, birds, and humans both present and passed. If you notice animals and birds staying away from an area, clearing is imperative. Nature has a very effective way of clearing an area, but sometimes there are factors that build-up and need to be addressed with energy practices or a simple invitation for that energy to move on into the Light is often the case. If you notice you and your family avoiding an area in your own home etc., cleaning and clearing are a must. If you have a pet, they are wonderful indicators for reading energies. If they refuse to go in a room or steer clear of an area in your yard, clearing is a must. Property lines and boundaries with neighbors are always areas of accumulated energies, sometimes simply because of different perspectives.
Our homes are our sanctuaries. They are a comfort in an ever changing world. They are healing and nurturing. Keep them healthy and peaceful just like your own energy fields!
What you will need:
Pen and paper
Bring your lunch
Water bottle
Dress in layers
Waters, hot teas, and snacks will be provided. If you have special dietary needs, please bring what you need to keep you healthy throughout the day. I will provide some gluten-free snacks as well. Once you sign up, further info with confirmation will follow.
Please email me or call if you wish to attend. *I do not sale or promote any brand of essential oils or cleaning products .....