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Finding Your Secret Garden

When we go within to find our own Secret Garden, we go beyond this working, functional Ordinary Reality, (non-celestial, mundane, terrestrial, or temporal), which is necessary to navigate our waking world on our Earth walk. We go into our Non-Ordinary Reality, which is a world that will take you beyond the six senses as you experience them in Ordinary Reality to experience your Secret Garden. Non-Ordinary Reality takes you to the realm of higher consciousness, where your experiences and awareness, are enhanced and clarified. Where there are no hidden agendas yet everything has high-vibrational meaning. This is not meditation as you know it. This is not escapism (the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy). In Shamanism, traveling to Non-Ordinary Reality is where the Shaman finds healing for the seeker. Steven Farmer's book Earth Magic has an excellent definition of Shamanism and the Journey.

So now, I ask you to contemplate with me a healing, magical, secret place that is found within. It is a fertile, fragrant, nurturing, beautiful garden that is a place of peace. Options to consider to add to your garden are, a place to gather information, find answers or something lost, invite someone you want to discuss something with (a person that has passed away or living), invite an ascended Avatar, or Angels and the list goes on. It can even be a person that you have issues with (if you do this, only invite their higher-self for discussion). Your garden can be as decadent as your imagination can conjure. It can be as simple as you can conjure. There are NO boundaries or restrictions. Colors are totally up to you YET have powerful healing vibrations!!! Wild and weedy gardens, old growth orchards, vast boundaries of endless green OR magenta grass, meadows of every kind with flowers, trees, all which can be a part of your Secret Garden. It can be a small Victorian tea garden with abundant shade, mist, gates (that lead to other realms of your healing), and trellises of wisteria, grapes, or kiwi. The gnomes can serve your healing teas made just for you! Everything speaks to you even the dirt that your garden is planted in. Invite the healing magic of animals, birds, insects, and reptiles!!

Inviting magical creatures are a must! They are exceedingly beneficial in cultivating your garden. Personally, I have never been to a Secret Garden without a Faery or any Garden for that matter!!! Call in Dragons, Divas, Centaurs, Phoenix, Gnomes, Mermaids, Griffins, Dwarfs, Sylphs , Merlin, the Queen of Hearts (to name just a few). Whatever, and whoever that you can imagine to interact with, invite them.

Remember, your Secret Garden is by invitation only. You are totally safe. This is your garden, not your husbands, wives, daughters, sons, mothers, cousins, brothers, or anyone else. They can all be invited but it is totally up to you. You are the Creator of your Garden that has complete authority. You need no protection in your Secret Garden, as it is by design allowing you to Ground, Center, Create Boundaries, and Attune by just accessing it. It is your Protective Sanctuary Within!!!!

Using your Secret Garden as Medicine, Two fabulous examples: In Dr. Christiane Northrup's Book, Dodging Energy Vampires, page 126, she expresses meeting her "twelve year old self in her Magic Garden" for 13 days to heal the wounded twelve-year old. Dr. Northrup revisited her Magic Garden after her divorce and was able to help heal the shock and all that is involved with the trauma of divorce. This is powerful medicine and it is liberating and freeing to you. In Dr. Synthia Andrews book, The Path of Energy, page 237, she has a Trauma Clearing exercise that can by performed beautifully in the Safety of your Secret Garden.

If you have interest in discovering your own Secret Garden and Healing there, finding Peace there, connecting with all things there, or disconnecting and un-becoming, click here to register for my Free Self Care Saturday Energy Circle on May 26, 2018 between 12:00 noon and 2:00pm Or go to the Event Page on my website. This Self Care will add a tool that has been present since you were born to your energy tool box that will help heal you as you connect to this very magical yet beneficial place that you have access to all the time. We will experience this as a group through a Guided Journey Meditation.

If you would like a personalized Guided Meditation Soul Journey to your Secret Garden, please contact me.

Imagination is the highest kite than one can fly, Lauren Bacall

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