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Integrating Grief

I subscribe to the perspective that our bodies are our subconscious mind and hold all the emotions we have experienced in THIS lifetime. We can heal, shift, transform, and change, with heart centered energy awareness and the choice to release any stored emotions that is trapped causing pain, dis-ease, or distress. What are some expressions about emotions that relate to feelings in the body? "I've had a belly full!" "I feel like I've had a heart punch!" "I'm beside myself!" "I'm lost." These are just a few.

Candace Pert, Ph.D., internationally known and highly respected neurobiologist, has proven that emotion is not generated in the brain; it is generated in the cells themselves — all over the body. Therefore our bodies are truly our subconscious mind. She is the author of Molecules of Emotion if you would like to explore this further. On the cellular level, emotions are literally created chemically. As we store unexpressed emotions on a cellular level, illness can be caused by this stored and trapped information. Therefore, it stands to reason that to heal from our ills, we must express the information accumulated in our body-minds.

Grief is loss, loss of partner, parent, pet, belief system, way of life, loss of self/identify, loss of business, loss of a relationship(s), loss of the way we've always known a relationship to be, loss of parts of our body (surgery, etc.), loss of job, our government, loss of our connection to Source, the Earth, and the list can go on! Confusion and disorientation occurs. Time is suspended and questions may be "what went wrong?", "why now, why me, what could I have done and what did I do wrong?" Fatigue and lack of motivation, and our energy scatters outside of the body. Numbness and emotionless energy encompasses you flooding your personality and boundaries. Men are more susceptible of getting stuck at this point because of conditioning. Nevertheless, women will stuff emotions and denial is a powerful force. Typically, being in denial is not identified easily by the one experiencing it. Grief affects the body. Lungs are an area affected by grief. One organ affects the other organs. When left out of balance, this causes one organ to communicate to the other organs, thus dis-ease begins. Lungs bring in Qi, energy, vital oxygen. The lungs affects the heart, liver, kidneys, and the spleen.

Whether it is grieving, as stated previously, or grieving our childhood, our perceived failures, our memories, what is important is let nature take its course. Give yourself time to negotiate, be depressed, and eventually integrate and become somewhat more yourself. Is there a time limit on grieving? NO! Is there only one way? NO! Grieving is very individual and personal. Let no one tell you different.

From page 140 of Path of Energy by Synthia Andrews.

Energy fibers: Energy filaments or light rays streaming outwards, which are silver but not always. These fibers stream from your chakras anchors you to your reality and the means to explore. They will link you to people, pets, objects, to all your surroundings. When something ceases to exist in physical form, our energy fibers are cut unnaturally even if we are expecting the death. Loss of someone you love, through death, divorce, or otherwise, creates trauma to your energy structures. The energy links are violently severed leaving leaks in your field and damage to your energy fibers. Thus, you may be unable to reattach your energy fibers elsewhere, becoming depleted, depressed, and losing your direction (feeling lost). When something ceases, such as relationships, belief systems, etc., the energy fibers have to be called back to one own self. Energy fibers are not the same thing as an attachments (thought forms powered by emotions or agendas from authorities such as religions, governments, teachers, etc), hooks (essentially someone else's thought forms that has hooked into your energy field and pulling you toward them), or projections (directives and desires that are unintentionally projected into another's energy field)

In the book Transform Your Beliefs, Transform your Life EFT Tapping using Matrix Reimprinting, the authors discuss ECHOs which are Energetic Consciousness Holograms, which are parts of us. Working with these holograms that hold grief/pictures that we have stored in our energetic database, we are able to communicate with our younger self, to our loved ones that have passed, or loved ones that we have lost that are still living, and speak to their energy hologram. I typically call ECHOs a person's spirit or energy signature.

A very effective modality of integrating grief is to utilize Healing Touch Energy Therapy as part of your Self Care. Here, at Energy Therapy by Tina, my approach is very gentle and allows the integration of grief as the individual's energy is ready. It is very important to realize that Grief is never fully gone or "gotten over". It is integrated into our energy fabric and allowed. The old saying "It's okay to visit the house of grief, but is not okay to buy it, live in it, and die in it!"

My Free Self Care Saturday is July 28, 2018 between 12:00 noon till 2:00pm. We are discussing the Seven Principles of Self Care as addressed by founding Mother of Healing Touch, Janet Mentgen. "In order to heal others, we have to start with ourselves." I would go so far as to say, "How can we fill another's cup if ours is empty?" Addressing the grief inside us is imperative to heal ourselves and be present for our beautiful lives. We can do this with Self Care and Healing Touch Energy Therapy as part of our path to well-being. Click here for Event Page to Register.

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