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Violet Flame

This information is rather lengthy, but very powerful and useful. If you would like to experience and learn more about the Violet Flame Activation, contact me so we can schedule a mentor session(s) or to book a group workshop.

The Violet Flame has been referred to in all sacred spiritual traditions including Christianity. It has been translated as (Exodus 3:14) "I am that I am" spoken to Moses on Mt. Sinai. (refer to the Ketheric Body) It is also the Shekinah Glory in the Hebrew Bible which translates literally as presence, (Presence or Dwelling Place of) the Divine Feminine side of God/Source, which is the Holy Spirit. Fundamentally, the Violet Flame is an energy given to humankind that has the ability to transmute negative energies back into the Source/God Energy of pure Love. The Violet Flame translates to in today's language as connecting to "The Totality of the Multiverse" or Source allowing your energy field to vibrate at a very high rate.

The color violet has long been associated with spirituality and science confirms why. Violet has highest frequency in the visible spectrum 789 terahertz THZ, violet is at the point of transition to the next octave of light. The violet flame works by changing “vibrations”. In physics, vibration is the speed of oscillation - the speed at which something moves back and forth. On the atomic level, vibration can be understood to be the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. The violet flame works by changing vibrations on this level. To the ancients and shamans, this transcendental color was a spiritual rather than a physical phenomenon. The Violet color transmutes negative into positive. The violet flame transmutes negative energy. It does not simply surround and remove the energy, but transforms it into light. Because there is less density within the atom, the electrons whirl faster and faster, thereby raising your vibration. The violet flame frees up this energy and re-establishes harmony and equilibrium, propelling you into a more spiritual state of being. (This is the chi/energy of Whirling Dervishes).

Perspective: Innately, when we are seeking a higher knowing or vibration, we call in the violet light to us. By doing this, we inadvertently yet simultaneously *call in or attract negative energies that seeks resolution in the flame. A call is very different than and **invitation! This is why it is important to ask for your angels to surround you.

*Call definition: a cry made as a summons or to attract someone's or some thing's attention. In energy terms, it is to summon a kindred spirit for aid.

**Invitation definition: a request, or in energy terms to offer a request in hopes of participation.

The purpose of the Violet Flame used in Protection of your own energy system: It can guard against energies of malice that may be directed at you through anger, condemnation, hatred, jealousy, rage, etc. When you are unprotected, these vibrations can make you irritable, depressed, reactionary, inability to hold your container (your own energy field). Energy leaks can occur and energy hooks (other peoples negative energetic agendas) that can be left in your energy field manipulating you.

Energy Vampires are defined as someone that sucks the energy out of you leaving you feeling depleted, with brain fog, weakened mentally and physically, and even confused with flu-like symptoms. Energy leaches do not have to have a directed agenda toward you, some people's field creates a sucking vortex because of the vibration that they hold in tight patterns over long periods of time, due to beliefs, mental illness, "rescue me mentality", or energy attachments to name a few. Energy vampires may go undetected by you; other than you feeling drained in their presence even when they are just near you. When you really know an energy vampire is when you disagree or cross them in any way. Then they come for you energetically full on. FYI: Family members are the most difficult to detect and deal with.

Ways to incorporate the Violet Flame:

Morning meditation: Visualize the Violet Flame: Close your eyes and visualize or experience the color Violet, Imagine it turning into a vibrant, powerful flame. Spinning or spiraling the Violet Flame around you and through you is very powerful. This is very simple yet very powerful!

Another visualization: Close your eyes and visualize or experience the Violet flame encompassing you in a bubble spiraling up from your feet to extend beyond your crown, flaming and pulsating around you, allow the flame to thoroughly saturate every cell in your body, as you breathe into the violet flame.

Expand the Violet Flame in order to give yourself personal space when in crowds or shopping: Close your eyes and visualize or experience the Violet flame coming from your heart area and filling your bubble, now expand it the violet flame out from you two feet. Breathe into the bubble and fortify your boundary. Continue to 4 feet and out 10 feet.

Project the Violet Flame when you are in a negative situation: Visualize or experience the Violet Flame as a laser coming from your heart projecting outside your bubble at a powerful speed and targeting an energy vampire or threat encompassing them in the Violet Flame keeping them contained in their own cocoon, simultaneously protecting you. This allows them to be immersed in their own negativity and you are not projecting anything into their energy fields!

OPTIONAL: Create your own prayer:

Example: Speaking out the words are very powerful -

I call unto me the Sacred Violet Flame of transmutation manifest in every cell of my body filling me totally and completely. Blessed violet flame blaze into my heart and expand out and around all of my bodies, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual surrounding my entire being with you're power, grace, and protection. Transmute any negativity that is directed to me knowingly or unknowingly to Light and reflect it back to the sender. And it is So!

Techniques when caught unaware or unprepared when faced with an energy vampire:

Turn your energy field into a mirror facing out and the projected negatively will be reflected back to them. This is a fast way to deflect negative energy and you are not projecting into their field.

We must remember sometimes it is imperative to change our playmates and playgrounds because they are toxic to us, and sometimes this means a strong evaluation of family.

Violet color - The color of the crown chakra (Ketheric field) and is associated with spirituality and connection to All That Is. Violet can help open our eyes to our magical consciousness and awareness of All Things (seen and unseen things). The primary colors that make up violet are red and blue which are associated with the fire element.

The Violet Flame can be used as a cleansing tool. Simply call on the Violet Flame to spiral around you or anything you have guardianship of and it will powerfully burn away any and all stuck or negative energy; transforming it into Light.

The Violet Flame used in Meditation:

KEYWORD: Centering

DESCRIPTION: This meditation activates the boundaries of the aura, creating a powerful circle of safety and healing. The pattern pulls energy in spiral from the heavens to the center of the Earth, creating a pillar of living Light. This is the center of the storm: The winds are howling all around; within this space is calm and peace. It is sacred space, a place to go for connection, protection, renewal, and resolve. It is unconditional Love.

BENEFITS: Strengthens boundaries and promotes centering. Harmonizes the aura and supports spiritual alignment. Enhances inner strength and resolve. Promotes calmness, inner peace, balance, clarity, and focus. Provides protection from unwanted influences.

USED TO: Create sacred space. Cleansing, Enhances focus and clarity in times of mental exertion. Establish balance when feeling off enter, overwhelmed, or in shock.

ESTABLISH SAFETY. Maintain boundaries during chaos, conflict, or draining situations. Contain and transform your own destructive projections.

FLOW PATTERN: Sit, stand, or recline. Visualize yourself standing on Earth. Breathe in deeply and with each inhalation imagine cascading spirals of violet light descending into, through, and around you. Visualize this energy filling and enveloping you as it descends into the Earth. See the Light becoming a pillar of safety and Healing. Imagine this spiral pillar coming from a specific source in the sky, a star that represents your spiritual Source and connection. While suspended within the spiraling energy, invite spiritual guidance to be present with you for the highest and best good. Let the source in the star be your spiritual Source --- your Star. Breathe into this image; notice your feelings, sensations, and emotions, and thoughts. Expand your inner strength and calmness with peace, focus, and clarity. Radiate your energy outward to meet the circumference of Light. Merge with the spiral pillar of Light, coming into alignment with higher frequency.


Crystals that can enhance your Violet Flame Activation: Amethyst, Spirit Quartz Amethyst, Record Keeper Ruby, or any violet crystal that feels right.

Plants to incorporate into to your Violet Flame Activation: Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Blue Hyssop.

Animal Spirit: Snake, Bird of Paradise, Dragon, Phoenix


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