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Strengthening our Spirits

Workshop Spoiler Alert at the end of this blog......

Strengthening our Spirits will, in turn, cause our body-minds to be strengthened

Have you ever saw an animal's spirit broken? I have. Their own will crushed in service to a brutal, low frequency being! We humans do this to ourselves too with negative self talk, isolation, focusing on the what if's, waiting for the other shoe to fall syndrome, self sabotaging, martyrdom, not speaking our truths, remaining in a marriage, partnership, job, religion that no longer gives any equal exchange of energy, being consumed with materialistic gain, habitually watching the news and believing all of the negative mis-information, removed from joy due to illusion of detachment or sacrifice for gain in the next life, and the list goes on.

How do we strengthen our spirits?

Joy is defined as delight, great pleasure, joyfulness, jubilation, triumph, exultation, rejoicing, happiness, gladness, glee, exhilaration, exuberant, elation, euphoria, bliss, ecstasy, rapture. SO HAVE MORE OF THIS!

You are not supposed to remain in this state of bliss while here on Earth, but you sure have the birthright of experiencing it fully, often, and being open and present to it when the opportunity arises! Remember we are here on this Earth walk to experience all our six senses, sight, taste, touch, hear, smell, and intuition. If you have the notion that this Earth experience is about perfection, your notion is perhaps a little askew. I ask you to contemplate the notion that this Earth walk is to be experienced. I have talked about this before

Love is defined as intense feeling of deep affection, adoration, spiritual experience beyond the normal or physical level. SO HAVE MORE OF THIS!

We are here on this Earth walk to experience all our six senses and Love IS THE TIP TOP REASON. No matter what sacred spiritual tradition you align to or NO sacred spiritual tradition, Love is the fabric of our Multiverse.

We humans feel disconnected and alone when our spirits have been broken, just like the animals. We shy away from others. We bite, snarl, snap, buck, bare our teeth, isolate, and become creatures that do not resemble our true authentic essence. Strengthening the spirit allows the intuitive mind-body to take its rightful place of being a gift not a burden that must be repressed in order to function on this Earth walk.

I invite you to take a journey within and listen to your soul's purpose for this lifetime and strengthen your spirit to heal, experience joy and love while being present and really living! When those times arises when Joy and Love seem far from you, having experienced Love and Joy fully at each opportunity, those trying times will be lessened in their emotional toll. Holistic Energy Medicine can assist with facilitating your journey to strengthening your spirit.

Spoiler Alert: Our Holistic Energy Magic Workshop on October 27, 2018 will have a "Wizard's Apprentice Riddle". Whoever gets the Riddle gets a Free Energy Session of your choice with me. Energy, Fun, Fellowship, and learning while we gather = Love & Joy!

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