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EMOTIONS: What does that word conjure for you? Did you just click off the computer? All of us have been conditioned regarding our emotions. There are too many vast scenarios of individual conditioning to list here. So, what I would like to do is shift your perspectives about emotions.

What do emotions do? Their true purpose is to give us information and the ability to act, as well as energize our lives. Comfortable or uncomfortable emotions tell us about ourselves, where we need to grow, what traumas have not healed, what we have to offer the world, and so much more. Emotions tell us about our surroundings so that we may navigate this Earth experience such as vital information for survival, alerting us to threats, or warning us of potential foolish acts.

According to research emotional intelligence is more important than IQ. However, we typically tend to undervalue them and have distrust of them which is usually taught to us as children. We have been taught that emotions are bad and they steal our logic, leading us into the addictions of pleasure over the virtues of hard work. They trap us in limitation through fear, anger, and shame. Many religions teach that emotions are tricksters, seducing hopefuls away from faith. Emotions have even been described as parasites, as though one of the attributes in the magnificence of life (emotions) is non-functional! The message that we have been taught is clear: Emotions should be suppressed and overcome in favor of either logic and rationality or blind faith.

When we deny emotions, we allow the suppressed energy to become blocks in our bodies and minds. We tell ourselves that our emotions are of no value and lead us down the wrong paths of wild ruination. It is a myth that our mind and emotion are in opposition. The two work in tandem each enhancing the other’s unique contribution. Accessing emotions is the key that opens the door to higher consciousness helping us to understand ourselves and the world better. Emotions are a direct link to subtle energy. This is the vital life force that directs our inner convictions and supports the ability to facilitate our birth intention.

Today more than ever before, there is an awakening to the energy level of reality. The prevalence of yoga, Tai Chi, and energy healing is helping people live happier, healthier lives and is generating acceptance of this subtle energy. People are feeling the flows of energy in their bodies and becoming aware of the energy interactions in which they engage. Through energy awareness it brings us into deeper layers of conscious choice and deepening of our spirituality. Emotions are the language we use to interpret this subtle energy awareness.

If we shift our perspectives of how we have been conditioned by society, family, spiritual institutions, governments, and the media on trusting, interpreting, and expressing our own emotional information, we find that we can utilize this innate (cellular) tool for our own evolutionary path. Essentially, emotions are giving us information and we are denying our own ability to feel.

We can free ourselves from the dis-eases, blocks, pains, and even disease that is stored in our bodies from stuffing and suppressing emotions. Candace Pert who is a Psychoneuroimmunologist gives merit through her research that emotions are informational body events that have enormous transformational power. Molecules of Emotion book by Candace Pert.

When we learn how to consciously interact with the power and usefulness of our emotional language, we can receive the information emotions hold, direct the force they entrain and then release them. We do not have to harbor, store, stuff, hold these emotions and allow them to dictate our health and well-being. They no longer will have the ability to keep us functioning from a place of fear. We can choose to step into our personal power and take command of our emotional terrain so that actions become conscious, creative, potent, and fulfilling avenues instead of life-limiting, life-ending stored unprocessed energy.

Learning to accept the presence of emotions as energy translations will change our lives. Emotions are our innate tools that we have been told to repress, block, deny, and turn off. We did it! Now, at this integral age of awakening and awareness, we are being asked to remember our authentic selves and reconnect with our innate tools. A perspective: Our mind and spirit are housed in our bodies which are in a sense our instruments on our Earth journey. How will we function, listen to, and flow with our instrument? Do we want to utilize all of our innate tools accessible within our instrument on our journey? I personally want all the helpful tools I can get!!!

Excerpts in part from The Path of Emotions by Dr. Synthia Andrews.

“Your mind is not taking instructions because you have made no effort in operating your instrument. Any instrument that is out of control is more of a nuisance than of use”, excerpt from With One Voice Documentary.

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