A blessing From Your Ancestors

For the Full Cold/Wolf Moon tomorrow January 13, 2025 . Wisdom to carry us through this new year ‼️💜.
Within your bloodline, and within your spiritual line, there are thousands of relatives who care for you, and who cells now sing within your own body. You are their future dream, you carry forward the hopes of your distance and most ancient family. They have seen so much – yes, in other times and far away places, but they come to you now and bless you with all the wisdom of their experiences, making you the sum total of a thousand thousand wise ones. Call upon the wisdom of the blood, the old ones who stand behind you, supporting and holding you, clearly giving to you the knowledge that experience taught them. Let only the ancestors who can free you, aid you, support you, and celebrate the best of themselves within you come forward, and maybe the ailments and regrets of those who have gone before teach you what not to do in this time. If family be thin on the ground, or if there is an estrangement at present, let the arms of the old ones hold you, form a circle about you, and infuse you with everything you may need at this moment. You are loved across the distance of time. You are spoken to, with quiet kennings, self, knowing that will direct you forth. You will be soothed, by those who healed, and be guided, by the old ones who hold before you the flaming torch of their united spirits. You are all that has gone before, but they celebrate you for you are the future. Know your life is precious to more than the visible ones you know. You are most precious to all the old ones, and the ones who you share blood with, they know of your value, And of the hopefulness of your futures. May you be blessed and may you have with you the essence of the Elder, the Teacher, the one who shows, the one who shares with the young, the one who keeps the skills alive inside you, and all about you. And so it is.
Author ~Lucy Cavendish~