Color Therapy
Color Therapy is a complementary therapy for which there is evidence dating back thousands of years to the ancient cultures of Egypt, China and India. Color is simply light of varying wavelengths; thus, each color has its own particular wavelength and energy.
The energy relating to each of the seven spectrum colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, resonates with the energy of each of the seven main chakras/energy centers of the body. If you can imagine the chakras as a set of cogs/wheels, they are rather like the workings of a clock or an engine; each cog/wheel needs to move smoothly for the clock/engine to work properly. Thus, good health and wellbeing is achieved by a balance of all these energies. Balance of the energy in each of the body’s chakras is very important for health and well-being. Color therapy can help to re-balance and/or stimulate these energies by applying the appropriate color to the body and therefore re-balance our chakras.
Contemporary color therapy is grounded in scientific re-search on light and psychological findings on the beneficial effects of color. Such research has, for example, been widely utilized in the design of public institutions, possibly the most famous instance being the banishing of black boards in schools in favor of green boards. It is also widely known that sunlight, in moderate doses, stimulates the production of vitamin D by the body, that colored rooms can assist the healing of some psychological disorders, and the right colors in offices can stimulate employees.
Physicists have explained light as part of a spectrum of electromagnetic energy. Each part of the spectrum manifests as radiation that vibrates at a specific rate. Visible light appears somewhere toward the center of the spectrum. On one side of the spectrum are cosmic rays, gamma rays, x-rays, and ultraviolet, and on the other side are infrared, electricity, radio, and television. Light is a form of radiant energy, and human beings can be seen as living systems that absorb and radiate energy.
Becoming More Mindful of Color:
· Your favorite color does something for your mind, body, and spirit. It also boosts the chakra it is associated with. Do you wear your favorite color when you are feeling sad or depressed? What happens?
· Does a color remind you of a time, person, or place?
· Have you had on a color that you do like and at the last minute change it? There is an energetic reason.
· Have you been in a situation where you saw a color and it changed your mood? Have you ever been angry and actually saw black or red?
· Have you ever received healing prayer, energy, or meditation and saw colors? What did those colors allow you to shift or experience?
· Do you have a color that you see often in meditation or just in a theta/relaxed state? Is it a color that you have not experienced and cannot articulate? This is your unique color.
· Have you ever decided not to go into a business or someone’s home because of a color? Sometimes when we associate a color with a negative experience or person, the chakra associated with it is compromised.
The cardinal directions have colors attached to them according to the belief system of most indigenous peoples. A simple morning color ritual for me: Facing each cardinal direction ∞ ∞ ∞ North is indigo blue - it is acknowledged in my morning ritual as "thank you for my warrior spirit.” South is red, and it is acknowledged by saying "thank you for my kundalini rising naturally at just the right time." West is a deep orange color that morphs occasionally into red/orange and it is acknowledged by saying "thank you for my ancestors, my spirit guides, my angels, and thank you for the beauty of the eternal sunset.” East is the color yellow and it is acknowledged by saying, "thank for all the ascended Masters….. thank you for the renewing of the sun.” My center is opalescent in color which has all the colors in the spectrum in it and it is acknowledged by saying "thank you All that is, All that was, and All that ever will be.” And so it is!!!!
I encourage you to find your own color palate for a sunrise or sunset ritual/ceremony/prayer!!!!
At this time of year, we are reminded how color can assist us with changing, renewing, inspiring, and releasing….. Contact me to explore.....