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Conversations That Matter

Dreaming into Being…..

Shamans believe we dream the world into being through our daydreams, thoughts, and words. We must learn how to be conscious dreamers and hold a positive vision for ourselves, the Earth, and all Life. We also have a magical practical dream which is managing the time we are given, especially time for Self Care. Asking ourselves, what is wise or best for me to do in this moment, this day, this week?

Listening to the practical side of our daily lives is sometimes difficult as it requires us to live consciously with our strengths and limitations and know when to make decisions that are best for ourselves instead of what others expect of us. We accept the necessity of stepping away from our routines and our expectations for periods of time in order to regroup, rest, relax, and just be. This allows us the ability to continue holding the space for the dreaming into being for all.

In my practice, I’ve actually written permission slips to clients to “just be” or to “rest”. This simple visual aid is somehow acceptable when given by someone else. Ultimately, no one has the power to give permission for us‼️

Designating holy leisure as a priority in Self Care is a MUST…. Simple example: turning off the phone for the morning to have time to acclimate our mind, body, and spirit to the day. Let’s face it, our bodies can really need a little extra patience and attention at times. 😁 This is the practical side of Self Care that is rarely discussed. Vacations, retreats, and workshops are all promoted, which are very helpful and enormously valuable. Holy leisure can be integrated throughout our day, Drinking tea from a special tea cup at work on break. Breathing in and out slowly for one minute, smiling to yourself in a mirror, choosing affirmations instead of listening to the news, etc. AMAZINGLY, we may need to consider holy leisure once a week all day long.....💜

I have found honoring me just as I am, not how I wish I could be or how I’ve been conditioned to believe I should be, allows my day to form around me NOT having my day to FORM me. I find I’m better equipped physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

This is a very simple yet very effective practice that can assist in our overall dreaming into being for ourselves, the Earth, and all life.

As always, keep it simple with love,



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