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conversations that matter

Why is it important to have congruence (I like to say harmony) with our minds, our bodies, and our spirits? The mind, the body, and spirit can be out of agreement. While balancing the chakras assists in this tremendously, understanding this in our own systems is sometimes exceedingly beneficial to explore. Whether conditioning, trauma, or beliefs, we humans can become more comfortable functioning in only one energy system. This leads to a multitude of complicated issues. Staying stuck and choosing only one energy area to function in can lead to illness mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

A few examples are:

  • Functioning entirely from the mind, leaves very little space for love, passion, play, creative expression, magic, and whimsy. The Divine Energy/Source is compartmentalized at best.

  • Functioning entirely from the body, leaves us unmoored from reason, logic, learning, memory, and planning. The Divine Energy/Source is inconsequential.

  • Functioning entirely from the spirit, detaches us from the present, we are ungrounded, keeping us from experiencing of all our senses and emotions, which is why we are here as a human after all. The Divine Energy/Source is experienced without not within as well.

What is interesting is that we lose vital renewing energy in all areas when this occurs. If we can integrate all wisdom from all energy systems, we can come into a place of more harmony and more contentedness. Flow is restored and we have OPTIONS/CHOICES that open up to us. Why would we not choose to have harmony within ourselves?

For me personally, I was taught from birth that Source did it all and the physical body was a trap and sinful and could not be trusted. The body should be devalued and debased. Second, if I had any mind or understanding that was only doled out by only Source. At the same time, I was told Source did not want puppets. So, confusion was what remained among other things. This experience was extreme as I now understand.

Other peoples’ experiences that did not allow for congruence of the mind, body, and spirit were from a psychological standpoint. They were labeled by various educators, healthcare workers, and religious members, etc. Examples, “you are too emotional because you are a girl, boys don’t show emotion, boys are the logical ones, you think all the time, you are too slow thinking, you are a day dreamer and must get your head out of the clouds, why can’t you feel like you think, you are always talking about spirit and never about life”.

Typically, after being labeled, we would try to compensate by going the extreme opposite, foregoing any intuitive guidance that we once were comfortable with because of shame. We would cut-off from our energy-self anything that revealed we were anything other than what we chose in that moment of humiliation. We chose to never explore all the monumental options that could become available to us if we just shifted our perspective/consciousness/breath/awareness to our other energy centers.

Simple Exploration Meditation/Intention:

Sit comfortably, in a quiet safe space. Take some deep breaths to ground and center yourself. Take as long as you need. Shift your awareness to your mind (head area). Invite your mind into harmony with your body, and spirit. Slowly go through your body feeling any shifts in or without your physical body that may take place. Take several deep breaths and continue as you are ready to invite your body into harmony with your mind and spirit. Notice and allow any shifts that take place internally and externally. Do not try to change anything. Just become aware. Next, invite your spirit to come into harmony with your mind and body. Notice and allow anything that may shift. As you finish, give thanks for the beautiful arising of flow, communications, choices that are now attuned in your body, mind, and spirit.

If this exercise seems to long, just set your intention for congruency/harmony of mind, body, and spirit during a relaxed meditative state or as a prayer.

For more information, sessions, and/or options on clearing, communicating, and listening to the other parts of the energy system, contact me….


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