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conversations that matter

Brain: Color Balancing Exercise


Dr. Synthia Andrews

1. Bring your awareness into your head and visualize the right and left hemispheres of your brain while paying attention to any sensations.

2. Imagine two rays of light above your head, one blue and one yellow.

3. As you breathe, inhale and imagine the blue ray filling one of the sides of your brain (whichever one you prefer). Continue breathing blue into this side of your head, swirling it over, under and around every part of it, sending currents of blue into every nook and cranny.

4. Leave this side of the brain, swirling in blue.

5. On the next inhalation, imagine the ray of yellow light swirling into the other half of your brain. Continue breathing yellow into all parts of this side until it is completely suffused.

6. Sit with each side fully its own color and feel how they are different.

7. Now, as you inhale, send color from one side to the other until both sides are green. Notice how this feels.

8. Next time use red and blue to make purple.

Tina’s notes: This exercise is particularly useful when feeling mentally or emotionally overloaded, confused, or unfocused.

If you choose an intention of harmony during this exercise, you can place your hand over your heart area. Afterall, integration of the mind and heart in conjunction is more beneficial than keeping them functioning independently from the other. This can cause the overload, confusion, and inability to focus as well.

This exercise is especially beneficial for Grief, Guilt, and Shame, as well as Seasonal Affective Disorder.

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