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Drama is not an emotion; it is the use of emotional chaos as a conscious or unconscious strategy to get what we need.  It is a manipulation that comes from not believing in ourselves.  The positive message in drama is connect with our true self or core self.  When we are disconnected, we forget we are powerful and lose our authenticity.  We are unable to ask for what we need because we either don’t believe we deserve it or cannot handle the rejection if we are denied.  The strategy of drama brings us what we want and provides a temporary blast of self-importance and rush of superiority.

Another way we use drama is as an unconscious tool to facilitate difficult change.  Sometimes we feel conflicted about something we know we must do and are unable to make a decision.  We may desperately want to change jobs, leave a boyfriend, or move, but lack of the confidence needed for action.  Unable to own our feelings, a dramatic crisis provides the justification and energy for the positive change we seek.  Although it gets the job done, it also burns bridges.

In time, the energy boost that the drama provides becomes an addiction.  Repeated use trains the body to obtain energy through the highly charged emotions generated through managing chaos.  Other means of generating energy, such as meeting core/authentic impulses, don’t have enough charge to fully jazz our system.  It is similar to the difference between the high we get from eating sugar versus eating fruit. 

Sometimes we are pulled into other people’s drama and are endlessly at the mercy of situations that careen out of control.  In this case, we are codependent on the other person’s addiction to drama.  Quite often we are unaware that we are choosing drama.  It seems that chaos just finds us, when in truth, we create it.  Un-creating it requires an active choice. 


Choosing to shift the energy of drama is a must. 

Sit or stand comfortably, if you are not in direct conflict.  Hold/pinch gently the area between your thumb and index finger with the opposite hands thumb and middle finger.  Visualize or experience a purple light encompassing you.  This allows the frequency of transmutation to be activated.  Truly allow your feelings (frustration, overwhelm, revenge, hate, fear, and so on) to be recognized for exactly what and how they are! Thank drama for bringing growth.  Be available to any insights that might surface to help you connect with your core self (spirit person, high self, authentic essence).  Tap or touch your heart at this point if it feels right.  Breathe into your heart area slowly visualizing the release of anything that materializes as drama in this moment.  Feel the rhythmic beat of your own heart and state “I am enough” or “I know who I am!”  Allow the purple light that encompasses you to support you in unconditional yet powerful love.   Breathe slowly and experience the “dismissing of drama” as fully as you wish. 

Effective suggestion: Record this technique in your own voice and play it back.

This visualization can be done prior to anticipation of drama or as an exercise to get “comfortable” being without drama.  Once you choose to shift, at first, you may experience emptiness until you can repattern the energy and learn to energize your life without drama.

Sometimes dismissing drama requires us to stop playing with difficult people.  Whether we are being difficult or someone else is, there is really only one answer:  Don’t play!  


Synthia Andrews, ND with Tina Martin’s, HTP emphasis



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