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Image credit: Anita Cole

I've been asked lately what is "Intention". I came across the following information in a book that I had been looking for. Since moving to our interim house, I am searching a lot...... for more things than just packed away items. I have been micro-searching, it seems, throughout my own energy system. I knew there would be "opportunities" to grow and learn here. Little did I know!

There is no way to explain coherently the deepness of the "hidden things" that have been revealed to me here in this "between time" that are being discovered almost daily inside of my energy system. I am waiting to be somewhere else and my "intention" was to enjoy where I am on the way to where I am going. You know, my thoughts were just to experience not "doing" and just "being"....WELL.....

This excerpt from the book I was searching for and ultimately found, explains a lot. I hope you can find benefit as well....

I have highlighted an intention that was particularly lost on me until I read it!!!!!

Energy Flows Where

Attention Goes!

The word intention is used in many ways.

We use it in this book to mean that what we believe strongly to be true helps to shape our experience. If we intend to break a bad habit or to set a goal to improve our lives, and we believe that it is possible, then the paths and opportunities to reach our goal will open up.

The reverse is also true. If you believe that making a change in your life is going to be difficult or impossible to do, then it's more likely that you will experience failure. Your patterns of negative or positive thoughts shape your reality.

Intend that your goal manifest in a manner that is for your highest good and greatest joy. This is very important, as intentions that are created out of desperation, fear of failure, or ego issues will backfire. You may get what you want, but it will disappoint you. Alternatively, you may get the exact opposite of what you want. But intentions that are genuinely made for your highest good and greatest joy tend to manifest in a positive way.

Whether you have been looking for your soul mate, respect, contentment, romance, fun, financial security, a job you love, self-esteem, and the best life possible for you, affirmations and visualizations can be an important part of your campaign to achieve your goals.

As you become more self-aware from your crystal meditations, you will naturally be more conscious of that which may hold you in disharmony, and that which empowers you. Know that you can work only on yourself; you cannot force another person to heal or to change. You can help a person to connect with tools to create his or her own healing and personal spiritual evolution.

Intent is not a thought, or an object, or a wish.

Intent is what can make a man succeed when his thoughts tell him that he is defeated. It operates in spite of the warrior's indulgence.

Intent is what makes him invulnerable. Intent is what sends a shaman through a wall, through space, to infinity.

-Carlos Castaneda


Healing Crystals,Making Medicine Bags, Using Healing Stones

by Amy Zerner and Monty Farber


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