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Magic and Logic

Have you ever heard the expression, "don't choke the magic out of the message?" Have you wondered what that means? To me, the magic within the logical message, IS the message. Others, see it as an unnecessary ingredient to the message desiring just the facts, no variables, no colors, no adjectives, no open-ended mysteries, and absolutely no room for surprises, not even from the Divine...

I have talked to many folks about magic and what that word conjures in their minds, their bodies, and their spirits. It is very surprising at the answers and reactions I receive. They are anywhere in the range of wonder to outright fear! However, when asked about logic, the reactions and answers are as varied. Surprisingly, logic is described as an automatic built-in cellular response to super intelligent gifts that only some folks have.

Logical means sound reasoning, sensible, clear thinking based on the facts, and consistent. Logic is noble and a very useful tool to navigate our walk here on Earth. Without logic, I doubt we could have our Earth experiences. Logic is needed in our everyday, mundane to-doings as we journey here. It is most practical in its usefulness and gets things accomplished in Earth time.

Magic means beautiful or delightful in such a way as to seem removed from everyday life, as well as a miracle. True magic is believing in yourself and loving yourself just as you are. Magic is seeing everything with wonder. Magic is a frequency that exists in a dimension all its own. Accessing magic is akin to becoming the true Spirit of Christmas, Yule, or Unconditional Love. When you look at your children and your heart is so full it magically beats to all the frequencies of love, that is magic! A few magical things: sunsets, sunrises, rainy days, dew drops, mists, moonlight, windchimes, simplicity, horses, majestic vistas, holding hands, kissing for no reason, ladybugs, mushrooms, images from the cosmos… all Magic!

While Magic and Logic exists in two different planes of existence, there is no reason, as human beings, we cannot entrain both frequencies into the fabric of our be-ings. Truly, shifting our perspectives to looking for ... seeing ... and experiencing magic will allow us to become magic. What a wonderful world that would be.

Wishing you Magic this Season.


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