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Emotions: Tools not Adversaries...

Emotions are the language of subtle energy....
Discernment of our emotions allows us to be present and aides us in trusting our gut instincts to navigate our experiences.
If we accept that every experience we have we are biologically wired for, we cannot experience anything we are not designed to experience. We have all the tools necessary and are equipped with everything we need. Re-read that!!! We can only remember/learn/grow through experiencing (feeling) life. This Earth experience is ours. No matter what anyone else says, including me. You know what is true for you. We are not born with how-to manuals, but we do have tools available to us. Our emotions are one of our greatest yet devalued gifts.

When I was younger, I was told I was too sensitive, fragile, "your head is always in the clouds", among other things. I was very different from my siblings. I learned to mask and stuff emotions at a very early age. I was conditioned to believe that emotions were not to be trusted. They were a sign of weakness. I had to adjust my emotions to be just enough and never, oh but never, too much. Crying was a sign I was hormonal or weak. Laughter, if too loud, was not tolerated. Feeling good about yourself and expressing it was interpreted as "showing yourself off and bringing attention to yourself" which was dangerous because someone would "hurt me" or make fun of me. Oh the world of a six year old!

Emotions were helping me with complex situations that a young child should not have to figure out. Needless to say, when I began to grow, become aware, and explore, I realized that my emotions were trying to help me navigate this precarious place called Earth.

Now, as I continue to learn, as I continue to grow, I want to share my understanding on how important emotions are and how they can impact our mind, body, and spirit. Emotions give us vital life saving information, if we will just listen.

For more information and exploration, contact me or join me for my Exploring Emotions mini-retreat on September 28th, 2019.


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