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My Perspective Today

I feel like Cindy Lou Who, at least the song she sang in the movie “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” 2000, Excerpt from the song: “My world is changing and I’m rearranging…” Oh Boy am I!!!

If you do not feel this way, you have not been paying attention! I am not speaking of paying attention to the misinformation from the news, the agendas of religious institutions, political parties, social agendas, and all media in general. I am speaking of paying attention to the events, opportunities, crises, etc. in our own lives and how we are experiencing them.

Speaking from my perspective alone, I have been given a lot of advice on how to “keep informed”, so that I am not taken by surprise and thus attacked from people, mind control governments, aliens, and even artificial intelligence. I am often told that to not be informed is to deny this reality. I am also offered correction with my lifestyle of seeing the big picture and to adjust my lens to the micro instead of the macro. I shout, “we have enough of those!

While I do contend, if I need the information from this reality, there are several sources that I do not have to search for to get a wide and varied “view” with diverse opinions. All the sources, by the way, tout they are being honest and accurate. To me, this resonates too closely with “religious wars”, all of them screaming as their creed “we are fighting a holy war and God is with us!” As they simultaneously scream this creed, they are killing, raping, destroying, and infiltrating the sanctity of freedom. Harsh? Yes, but Truth!

If you think you know what discernment is, rethink that! During times such as these, we all have even more filters we look through. Fear seems to be the constant filter. Emotions such as fear are giving us information and the ability to mobilize all our energy to protect ourselves. However, chronic fear is the filter that no one thinks about cleaning out! Real fear in the present is very different than a fear that has not been processed from our past. The fear in which we are still maneuvering through life with its influence dogging our every move. Discernment takes work to achieve and to maintain but is needed in our everyday lives desperately. Knowing ourselves and our filters, as well as wanting to become more acquainted with our best self are some must-have tools to navigating this reality!

So, I say allow the dreamers, the keepers of sacred space, the healers, the uncomplicated ones, the lovers of beauty, the holders of soft inspirations to have their powerful influence on this Earth walk reality. Because they hold these Truths:

While others are justifying hate, the dreamers are dreaming into being Love, Peace, Joy, Grace, and Laughter.

While others are waving religions as a weapon and being righteously right, the keepers of sacred space are holding the Light for all Beings in all ways.

While others are demanding there’s only one, narrow way, the healers are inclusive, quietly noticing the biorhythms of the individual, and listening gently, with open hearts.

While others are fact checking and logically keeping tallies of wrongs and rights, the uncomplicated ones are watching the stars.

While others are waving self-serving ugliness for entitlement, the lovers of beauty are planting trees, quietly tending their gardens, writing poems, crafting, making art, cleaning oceans and riverbanks, as their covenant with All People, Mother Earth, and All That Is.

While others are educating us with loads of good, viable information and misinformation, the holders of soft inspirations call in the clouds, moon, sun, stars, delicate red poppies, summer winds, gentle rain, babies’ cheeks, lilac tainted breezes, and the ocean waves to move us toward health and well-being with healing art and magic.

These are the energies I align with. These are my truths! Personal truths are not Universal Truths but they are our individual way of contributing to the intentions for the whole. Those intentions in turn become frequencies that influences the fabric of the multiverse, not to mention humankind. How will you contribute?

Dr. Clarissa Penkola Estes, PhD said in her Poem “How to Silence a Women

Someone said: “You do not make any sense!”

I replied: “You are correct, I do not make sense, I am sense!”


–When someone says, “We’re saying the same thing.”

Say, “We are not saying the same thing.”

–When someone says, “Don’t question, just have faith.”

Say, “I am questioning, vato, and

I have supreme faith in what I think.”

–When someone says, “Don’t defy my authority.”

Say, “There is a higher authority that I follow.”

–When someone says, “Your ideas are seductive.”

Say, “No, my ideas are not seductive,

they are substantial.”

–When someone says, “Your ideas are dangerous.”

Say, “Yes, my ideas are dangerous, and why are you so afraid hombre o mujer? ”

–When it is said, “It’s just not done.”

Say, “It will be done.”

–When it is said, “It is immature.”

Say, “All life begins small and

must be allowed to grow.”

–When it is said, “It’s not thought out.”

Say, “It is well thought out.”

–When they say, “You’re over-reacting.”

Say, “You’re under-reacting, vato.”

–When they say, “You’re being emotional.”

Say, “Of course I have well placed emotions,

and by the way, what happened to yours?”

–When they say, “You’re not making any sense.”

Say, “I don’t make sense, I am the sense.”

–When they say, “I can’t understand you when you’re crying.”

Say, “Make no mistake, I can weep and be fierce

at the same time.”

–When they say, “I can’t understand you when you’re being so angry.”

Say. “You couldn’t hear me when I was being nice,

or sweet or silent, either.”

–When someone says, “You’re missing the point.”

Say, “I’m not missing the point, but you seem

to be missing my point — What are you so afraid of?”

–When someone says, “You are breaking the rules.”

Say, “Yes, I am breaking the rules.”

–When someone says, “That’s not practical.”

Say, “It’s practically a done deal, thank you very much.”

–When it is said, “No one will do it,

believe you, or follow it.”

Say, “I will do it, I will believe in it, and in time,

the world may well follow it.”

— When it is said, “No one wants to listen to that.”

Say, “I know you have a hard time listening to that.”

–When it is said, “It’s a closed system,

you can’t change it.”

Say, “I’m going to knock twice

and if there is no answer,

then I am going to blow the doors off that system

and it will change.”

–When it is said, “They’ll ignore you.”

Say, “They won’t ignore me and the hundreds of thousands who stand with me.”

–When they say, “It’s already been done.”

Say, “It’s not been done well enough.”

— When they say, “It’s not yet time.”

Say, “It’s way past time.”

–When they say, “It’s not the right day,

right month, right year.”

Tell them, “The right year was last year,

and the right month was last month,

and the right day was yesterday,

and you’re running behind schedule, vato,

and what in the name of God and all that is holy

are you going to do about it?”

–When they say, “Who do you think you are?” —

tell them …

tell them who you are,

and don’t hold back.

–When they say, “I put up with it,

you’ll have to put up with it too.”

Say, “No, no, no, no.”

–When they say, “I’ve suffered a long time

and you’ll have to suffer too.”

Say, “No, no, no, no.”

–When they say, “You’re an incorrigible, defiant,

hard to get along with,

unreasonable woman … ”

Say, “Yes, yes, yes, yes …

and I have worse news for you yet —

we are teaching our daughters,

and our mothers,

and our sisters …

we are teaching our sons,

and our fathers,

and our brothers,

to be




G “How To Silence A Woman, Retrieving Her Voice,” ©1980, 2008, 2018C.P. Estés, All Rights Reserved. {Parts of the preamble are from an article at} For permissions:…

This blessing, is a chant, a lyric form from my ethnic tradition. It is made to be spoken aloud, so not just meanings, but its heartbeat, can be discerned; enjoined. Colloquially, in the family, we’d call it a song rather than a poem, in this case, a “song for straight vision and strength.” The word vato, is a slang Spanish word, for a person who might know the streets, and also an informal way of addressing a man, such as in the street … e.g., “Man, don’t you realize?”

Over time, this prayer-poem “How To Silence A Woman, Retrieving Her Voice” has been put forth at the United Nations, and presented during a tribal women’s coalition in South Africa, as well as carried into session at the parliament in the Netherlands, and given before U.S. Congressional hearings on welfare reform in the 1990s.


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