New Moon Ceremony 2020
How does the New Moon benefit us collectively at this time on our planet? For me, at this time, I feel that our energy systems as humans could use ceremony and rituals again in our societies. If you research what ceremonies and rituals historically have meant, you will see how we utilized them to celebrate seasonal change, rite of passage from young adult to adult, sacred awakenings, protection of our family, to rooting out perceived threats and evils in our individual communities, to name a few.
Alison Bone writes “Rituals motivate and move us. Through ritual we build families and community, we make transitions and mark important events in our lives, we express ourselves in joy and sorrow, and perhaps, most importantly, we create and sustain identity. They come in every shape and color.”
A New Moon Ceremony, in particular, is the one I would like to address in this blog. We humans are here on Earth at this particular time and are meant to be here at this particular time! I am always intrigued by the perspectives of some folks that believe we are the parasites on the planet that needs eradicating. Although, I do believe we collectively are learning and growing and are divinely guided to be here among all the other sentient wiser beings, I also concur, we sure have a funny way of showing our love and growth, especially during this global must-needs be transformation.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
The new moon is a time of activating your intentions for the next moon cycle. Essentially, you are releasing what no longer serves you while simultaneously making room for the new energy that will serve who you are and who you are becoming. The energy you utilize upon gathering your ceremony/ritual items, builds the energy and magnifies your intentions. Example: The energy without the ceremony/ritual is like a flashlight, with the ceremony it is like a laser with the possibility of reaching and exceeding the most powerful laser in the world which is capable of 10 petawatts. Your intentions are reflected in what you are willing to invest in to release and renew!
Emotions/Situations to consider for New Moon Ritual:
1. Feeling stuck in any way in your life
2. Partnership endings business or personal
3. Outdated beliefs
4. Any health issue
5. Releasing any fear
6. Calling back your energy
7. Eliminating any energy attachments or intrusions
Remaining New Moons in 2020 EST
August 18, 2020 at 10:24pm
September 17, 2020 at 7:00am
October 16, 2020 at 3:31pm
November 15, 2020 at 12:07am
December 14, 2020 at 11:17am
I will include a New Moon Jar Ceremony in this blog. However, please contact me for individualized New Moon Rituals that can be a great addition to Energy Therapy Sessions.
NEW MOON CEREMONY (Read carefully before starting)
Things needed:
Jar or Biodegradable Container with Lid
Rock Salt or Epsom Salts and/or Handwritten intentions on paper
Dried Basil or Basil Essential Oil
Medium size mixing bowl
Mix 1/2 cup of salt and 20 to 30 drops of basil essential oil or 1/4 cup dried basil. into your glass mixing bowl. Add your handwritten intentions torn in tiny pieces. Mix thoroughly with intent. Allow to synergize for 1 to 7 hours. Make sure you cover with plastic wrap or cloth (not reusable plastic lid) and place all in glass bowl to synergize.
Wash the bowl immediately after performing the ceremony or recycle it after washing it.
Prepare your jar by holding it in your hand for 2 to 5 minutes, allowing the jar to attune to its importance. Remember it is the container that will hold the energy of your prayers and intentions for the next 14 to 15 days before the FULL MOON. Think or speak your own words attuning the jar to the vibration of the present.
Pour the salt, basil, torn paper mixture into your jar. Bring your awareness to what you would like to set as your intention for your next Moon Cycle. The New Moon is for releasing what no longer serves and setting intentions for your mind, body, and spirit's needs as you see it. The new moon is a time of initiation and new beginnings. It is the time to plant a seed of what you want to grow in your life. The energy that you extend preparing your ceremony activates a spiritual vibration, charging the container with your intentions and you then speak your intentions into the jar and close the lid. As the moon comes full your intentions are set into motion until the next moon phase. You can add to your intentions for 12 to 24 hours after the New Moon, but it is best not let more time go by. To do this, open your jar and speak your intentions into the jar closing the lid. Set your jar in your sacred space. Physically hold the jar during the building to the Full Moon daily and gently roll the jar between your hands. This brings remembrance of your intentions..... and builds/stirs up the energy as the moon builds her power to Full.....(complete)
On the night of the Full Moon, take your jar outside. Give gratitude to your Source. Roll the jar in your palms and open the jar.
Suggestions on next part of ceremony:
Pour out contents of jar in a fire safe bowl or cast iron pot, add 90% rubbing alcohol and ignite with long match (match is best). The flames will be interesting/important to watch (safely of course), but the flames are energies allowing you to see the intentions and the releases visually. Blue flame is what most will see.
Some folks bury the contents of the jar or leave contents at crossroads or disperses into moving water) ½ cup salts will not impact the environment detrimentally. If you think it will, just omit the salts entirely.
Be creative and make up this part of the ceremony on your own.
However, it is important NOT to keep the jar with the salt mixture after the full moon. Wash the jar immediately after performing the ceremony or recycle it after washing it. Be sure and write down what you released, intended, and what you did with contents and document the experience as the energy changes during the next moon cycle.
Basil plant is also beneficial and powerful. It can be placed at the entrance of your home or a much used doorway to filter negativity and for ultimate protection. The essential oil is very beneficial to use in house blessing ceremonies or banishing ceremonies.