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No longer accommodate anxiety

This blog with useful information and tools may not be able to touch some folks with anxiety because their nervous systems are so inundated they are unable to read beyond this sentence.... However, if you can read one sentence a day, try, try, try, and that is enough!!!!



EXAGGERATED ANXIETY is hyper-vigilance.

The emotion of anxiety in its truest energy establishes congruence (harmony). It warns us to take care; things are not what they seem. Energy is concentrated in the sensory fibers (energy sensors that go before you assessing situations, etc. or biophotons) of the chakras, directing received impressions into the core (highest self), where alignment can be established. Much of the physical discomfort of anxiety comes from the sensitivity of these fibers. Grounding helps the fibers deal more effectively with the information they bring in and take the edge off over-excitement.

The incongruence (disharmony) that anxiety recognizes may come from many arenas: We may be experiencing foreboding of interference or difficulties coming toward us; we could be picking up on unspoken agendas in romantic or work relationships, or information withheld from decisions we are making. Anxiety may also alert us to our own internal disharmony. Maybe we are doing something because it is expected and not because we wish to or feeling one way while acting another way. The incongruence between a project we need to complete and our fears that we are unfit to do the job can cause anxiety. THE ESSENENCE OF ANXIETY IS FEAR of the unknown combined with fear of the PAST IMPACTING THE FUTURE!

When internal and environmental incongruence is processed, it becomes an inner agitation that keeps us in a state of hyper-vigilance and/or dread. Conditioned anxiety usually starts in childhood when children are not given access to information that directly affects them. Parents may be protecting their child from upsetting knowledge such as parental illness, or impending divorce, or financial upheaval. The child may feel things are wrong but is assured that everything is fine forcing him or her to suppress the incongruence between what he feels and what he is told. Consequently, shocks seem to arrive out of the blue. The pattern of anxiety can also arise when a child is raised in an unsafe environment. A parent with anger management issues may flare into rages disproportionate to the child’s actions, leaving her unsure when punishment will arrive or for what reason.

Anxiety takes us to a present problem or a past event that we are unable to understand clearly. If we are willing to sit with our anxiety and follow it to the place of greatest agitation in our body, we can move into our core (highest self) and discern the things that are not what they seem to be. In general, anxiety dissipates when we have something concrete with which to work. When we suppress anxiety and accommodate or hide incongruence, it slowly eats away at confidence and creates health problems.

The crux of anxiety is that we are afraid that what we are, or something we have done – some mistake we may not even have known we made—will arise and ruin us. When heeded, its gifts are self-reliance, self-worth, and self-responsibility. The message of anxiety is: Right here, right now we have what we need. When the future arises, we will meet it. The core message of anxiety is “I am enough!” The key question of anxiety is what part of yourself are you hiding and what needs honoring.

Dr. Synthia Andrew with emphasis by Tina Martin


CHOOSE TO SHIFT! This is essential to establish harmony when one has had conditioned anxiety. Say, “I choose to shift,” OUT LOUD!

Sit or stand with feet firmly on the floor. Take some slow, deep breaths. With eyes closed, go within your own body, start with your feet connecting them to the Earth. Firmly feel them. Take all the time you need. Visualize your feet growing roots into the Earth and traveling down to the core of the Earth securing you firmly. This establishes energy flow from Mother Earth at her very center and allows you to connect with your birth intention and your own personal musical note or frequency that anchors you here on your Earth walk. Feel the anchoring and the security and the inner knowing of your agreement to be here in this time and this space. Breathe into this frequency and take all the time you need to move into this frequency. Experience this frequency travelling up with Earth Energy through your roots and into your feet, ankles, calves, thighs, filling your pelvis area, traveling into your abdominal area, up into your chest coalescing with Unconditional Love in your heart area, allow this energy to flow into your arms, up into your neck, face and into and out the crown like a fountain. As the energy flows out your crown visualize sky energy merging with Earth Energy allowing your personal frequency to vibrate throughout your mind, body and spirit into every cell of your being. Feel the fountain of energy cascading from your crown and flowing like warm sunshine caressing your most intimate self, filling you, freeing you, whispering your frequency like a magical song. This cascade of energy encompasses you like a soft, comfortable quilt. Place your dominant hand over your heart and your nondominant over your solar plexus and breathe slowly while the energies of Earth and Sky support you, strengthen you, and allows you to truly feel your authentic self. Sit with anything that arises and do not try to change the emotions that come to you in this moment. When and if it feels right, allow the energies to draw out any anxiety easily transmuting it into solar energy to be reused as needed for your own personal life force. Breathe slowly and hold your heart and solar plexus for a moment longer as the energy converges in these areas.

As you are ready, return to your breath and allow your consciousness to return to this place and this time knowing you are enough.

For full benefit, this exercise may need to be repeated to dissipate the layers of anxiety that are stored. Sometimes, the exercise is only used as needed. What feels right to you, is what you will need to pursue when you no longer accommodate anxiety.

Four Cardinal Directions Prayer

I like to face the direction that I am calling to as I go through my prayer…..Feel free to use language and time of day that you resonate with. Make this prayer personalized to you. It is very grounding and a powerful tool that will assist in your journey.

Good morning South, thank you for a Warm breeze on a cold winter’s day, thank you for the Fire/Kundalini energy that arises in me at the appropriate time that I call to me now.

Good morning North, thank you for a Cool breeze on a hot summer’s day, thank you for my Warrior Spirit that I call to me now.

Good morning East, thank you for the splendor of the sunrise and for the Essence of the Light of the Universe that I call to me now.

Good morning West, thank you for the beauty of the sunset, thank you for my angels, ancestors, and spirit guides who I call to me.

Good morning Center, thank you All that Was, All that IS, and All that ever will be, I call you to encircle me with balance, love, peace and harmony.

And so it is….

Click here for more anxiety info


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