Things to Ponder
What we think about ourselves and the world lives within our bodies.
The muscle tension used to avoid emotional experience and expression impacts our movement, posture, physical expression, and involuntary reactions.
The tension used to suppress old wounds or hold back expression uses energy that is withdrawn from engaging positive change.
Anger: Our anger plays an important part in marshaling our resources and sharpening our intent. Avoiding anger will not help us at all. Suppressing anger can cause a myriad of health issues. Letting anger control us would take us into the same past patterns. We would give our power to the other person or situation, letting them determine how much dignity we carry!
Dignity resides in us, not the other person's impression of us! Dr. Synthia Andrews (The Path of Emotions)
The first step in healing is to become aware of these emotions and physiological responses being held in patterns in our bodies, as well as our responses to the world. Right now in our world, we are being shown ourselves in a clear bright light. How does this challenge us to look inside and choose to shift our old patterns and beliefs? After all, we are only in control of our own selves, our own energy. It is easy to see the blocks, conditioning, programming, and unhealthy beliefs in others, however looking inward gives us the same clear bright light of self evaluation and opportunity to shift/change. I offer you this: "I am the villain in someone's story!"
Emotions give us information, the ability to act, and energizes our lives on this Earth plane. Emotions are given to us as tools. Emotions are not deceiving, seducing spirits to undermine our brain!
Be alert, be smart, be compassionate, be love, use discernment, and be gentle with yourself because you are made for these times.
With much love!