Walking with awareness
Walking Awareness Intentional Meditation

To become aware of the energy within us and around us is to be present. Mindful awareness, to me, simply means to be present with what is, without attempting to shift anything. Intentional awareness, to me, means to add my own personal convictions of what I want to shift as I walk in awareness. Putting this altogether while walking in a circle is energy meditation in motion.
Begin with selecting a relatively small circle trail, path (less than a mile) that can be known or unknown to you. It could be simply drawing a circle on your carport or driveway (which is fun in itself). If you choose a public space, pick a time of day when it is less inhabited by a lot of people if possible.
Why choose a circle? Simply put, it brings you back to the beginning.
Circle 1. Begin your walk clockwise at a gait that is slow to moderate. This is not an exercise for speed walking. Starting out noticing how your body feels (tightness, sluggish, pain, free, etc.), where your brain is (scattered, foggy, overly focused, etc.), emotions (hyperaware, panic, happy, sad, indifferent, etc.), sense of smells, or any sensory experiences that you are noticing. During the first clockwise walk, the energy is moving within you and around you according to where you are mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It is important to just be aware without changing anything. In essence, just let it be. You may feel a build of energy within you, that is normal and once again just allow this build. It can be uncomfortable or it could shift on its own. It is important to not push for a release or outcome. To just allow the energy to be. As you come back to your original starting point. PAUSE. Become aware of your breath. Take a slow inhale and slow exhale 3x. Notice any differences in your body/mind. Notice any differences in your environment.
Circle 2. Begin your walk counterclockwise or widdershins. Gait should still slow to moderate. Starting out as you walk add your intentions of what you personally want to let go of. Do not over analyze this. Just what are some things you want to release that comes up naturally in your awareness. As you experience, the inner releasing, notice what is in your awareness of yourself and of your environment. Are you angry, teeth clenched, relaxed, did a new pain start in a body part, or lessened pain, or acceptance, etc. What about the environment, are you seeing more trees, feeling more of the breeze? Are you experiencing a stillness, more animal and bird noses, or simply a profound stillness? Do you find yourself wanting to slow down, or speed up? Did an unexpected person or energy change your emotions or experience? Are you able to release anything and if so, how did that change your inner and outer worlds? Sometimes a release is sensed and not attached to any particular intention. Your body may have been ready at this particular moment. Did any conscious release or shift correlate with your environment? As you come back to your original starting point, PAUSE. Become aware of your breath. Take a slow inhale and slow exhale 3x. Notice any differences in your body/mind. Notice any differences in your environment.
Circle 3. Begin your last circle clockwise. This last circle should be experienced at a very slow and gentle gait. You are now welcoming in the new more vibrationally congruent energies that will fill the voids where you have shifted or released in your physical and energy bodies (aura)! As you slowly walk, notice colors, notice the kind of trees and birds that stand out to you. These vibrational beings and color frequencies are imbuing you with exactly what you are calling into your entire being (seen and unseen). You may hear information, you may see symbols, you may experience stillness and peace. Your breath may become slower and deep or faster and shallow. You may see mythological creatures. You may experience your power animal, angels, ancestor, spirit guide, or other Beings. Be open. You may see a leaf or stone, flower, or stick that wants to come home with you. Give thanks! As you come back to your original starting point, PAUSE. Become aware of your breath. Take a slow inhale and slow exhale 3x. Notice any differences in your body/mind. Notice any differences in your environment.
Special Notes: By no means is the exercise of awareness of energy in motion the only way to release. The path in a circle method, however, is very beneficial and with noticeable immediate results typically. Make this practice your own. Some days, you may need to start counterclockwise because the overwhelming need to release or “let go” is prominent. You may feel the need to make several passes counterclockwise before replacing the energy voids left after the release(s). It is important to listen to your intuition and body to recognize what is best for you in that moment. Then continue with the build of energy clockwise for several rounds if it feels right.
Of course, you can use a winding path, a path that is interconnected with other paths, etc. However, for this exercise of release, build, and awareness, an intentional energy infused circle is optimal.
Tina ∞ 💜