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We all get sluggish at some point during the winter months and our bodies feels heavy from the accumulated stress during winter. If you have any health issues (especially inflammatory or depression), the colder weather feels almost like a dread or dark omen coming. However, others feel it is a time to hibernate and withdraw to maintain a cyclic rhythm.

When I was a small child, my father would always fix a spring tonic to boost our immune system and allow our little bodies to experience the time honored tradition of taking sassafras tea and the exceptionally dreaded castor oil!!! I will just let you all research castor oil benefits and spare you the de-worming stories…..

The 2020 March Full Moon, which is Monday, March 9th at 1:48pm EST, and/or, the Spring Equinox, Thursday, March 19th, and/or, the New Moon in March on Tuesday, March, 24th are optimal times to intentionally incorporate self-care to allow our bodies, minds, and spirits to attune to new, fresh, frequencies of the 2020 Spring. If you are interested in a Spring Energy Detox, click here. Following are some simple ways to detox and clear:

Ways to Detox and Energize for Spring for Self, Home, Office, and Property:

For Self:

1.Taking a shower/bath with intention to clear any energy that is not yours/negative energy

2. Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation

3. Walking in nature or Gardening

4. Essential Oil Diffuser

5. Practicing quiet (no electronics)

6. Massage

7. Healing Touch Energy Therapy

8. Saging entire body with dried sage, basil, bay leaf, oregano, or rosemary

9. Soaking your feet in Epson Salts and Peppermint EO

10. Standing in a brisk wind with intention to detox

11. Detox teas: combine slice of lemon, dash of turmeric, dash of ginger, dash of pink Himalayan salt, and honey to taste in hot water, add 1 tsp. each rosemary leaves, thyme, and sage for deeper cleanse/detox

12. Facing East and tapping your chest area and shout Aho (pronounced HO)! Greeting the Day


Items to consider evaluating perhaps donating that are in your home to help clear and detox:

1. Used books from a bookstore that you do not use or has a negative or off feel or smell

2. Jewelry that was given by anyone with a negative agenda

3. Figurines that do not have a positive vibration

4. Family portraits displayed that you do not resonate with

5. Any gift given by someone that you once loved and you now no longer are with or the relationship has changed

6. Any cluttered space because that space will attract negative energy and will stagnate the energy of that space

  1. Bless your home with a blessing critiqued by you.

  2. Set out salt in glass bowls, clear bowls are best if possible, to absorb possible negative energies. Set a bowl in each room and open all the windows. Leave the salt bowls for one moon cycle or 30 days. Be sure to dispose of the salt in the garbage away from house. If the color of the salt is gray or black when you remove it, clean bowls before adding more salt for another moon cycle.

  3. Use Angelica essential oil over each lentil of each door and window and bless the home.

  4. Visualize white light permeating every corner of the home into the attic and roof, through the sub-floor and include the earth under the house.

  5. Cleanse and bless the threshold of your home with angelica or hyssop infused water monthly.

  6. Burn dried bay leaves or sage to cleanse and clear.

  7. If your techniques seem not to work, call a Minister, Shaman, or Energy Practitioner.

In addition to the above mentioned energy techniques, the following are very useful for a mentally ill person especially if you are the caregiver or relative.

  1. Always place a clear quartz crystal, bowl of salt, a scripture, poem, spell, prayer cloth infused with angelica oil under their bed or chair

  2. Himalayan Salt lamp in the room of the loved-one is in most

  3. Essential Oil Diffuser (use tangerine, lemon, peppermint to uplift)

  4. Chevron Amethyst or Spirit Quartz placed in the room of person that they are in most

  5. Rosemary plant Peppermint plant placed inside


  1. Walk the borders of your property at the New Moon each month or whatever feels right.

  2. Smudge the borders of your property.

  3. Place black tourmaline crystals at each corner of your property.

  4. Visualize angels facing out from your property protecting everything within.

  5. Visualize a mirror reflecting back the energy that is being projected (this is very powerful.)

  6. Wind chimes infused with intent and sound/frequency that resonates with you. Not just any chimes but one that has a vibration that resonates truly with who you.

  7. Plant trees or utilize the existing trees as your allies. Trees that are very protective are cedar, holly, blackthorn, hawthorn, willow, and oak.

  8. Plant Rosemary at your entrance as it is very protective and filters unwanted negative energies.

  9. Plant Bella Donna to deter anyone that trespasses with ill intent.

  10. Plant Hydrangea as a fierce defender of you and your property and she filters all negative energy that passes by her.

  11. Plant Clematis to promote harmony with neighbors.


Listed below are the top four crystals that protect you, your home, and property from unwanted negativity as well as electromagnetic currents. Placing in a grid pattern around your property amplifies the energy. Black Tourmaline is very effective in keeping unwanted energies away.

  1. Black Tourmaline

  2. Sodalite

  3. Fluorite

  4. Smoky Quartz


While your office may not be yours alone, these things you can do.

  1. Essential oils of lemon, orange, and tangerine added to your skin, diffused, or on cotton balls placed in the corners are very effective at uplifting the energy.

  2. Use fluorite or black tourmaline on your desk. Add an Aloe Vera plant, she is fierce protection simultaneously nurturing you as well.


  1. Intent for safe travel spoken into a Clear quartz crystal

  2. Intent for safe travel spoken into a Turquoise

  3. Peppermint essential oil

  4. Visualize your car in a bubble of Light (color of your choosing) that is semi-permeable that will only allow what is supposed to be for your highest good and deflect all that is negative and not needed


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